
Automated deployment of Inception on a remote server using Ansible.

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT



Automated deployment of Inception on a remote server using Ansible.

This project inventory is dynamic and designed to deploy on Linode, if you want to deploy on another cloud provider, or on on-premise servers, you can skip all the linode-related dependencies and just create your own inventory file.

Supported systems:

  • Ubuntu.

The docker deployed services/utilities include:

  • Nginx.
  • Php-FPM.
  • MariaDB.
  • FTP.
  • Redis.
  • Adminer.
  • PhpMyAdmin.
  • (A static website main page).

Is recommended to take a look at the playbook to fully understand features and how to use them.

A user ansible is created for future playbooks runs, and a user admin is created for servers administrators to use, since root ssh login is prohibited.


  • python3.
  • ansible.
  • linode_api4.
  • passlib
  • community.general collection for ansible.


sudo apt install python3

Ansible & Linode API

ansible (passlib is a dependency) and linode_api4 can be installed via pip once python3 is installed:

python3 -m pip install --user ansible passlib linode_api4

Ansible plugin collection: community.general

This project uses the linode inventory community plugin, so we need to install the community.general collection.

Check if its installed by running:

ansible-galaxy collection list

If not in the list, install community.general collection by running:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

If it's in the list but version is below 8.1.0, upgrade it by running:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general --upgrade

Collection is not included in the repo because it's heavy (26M aprox.).


This project uses /var/log/ansible as log file, change it on ansible.cfg or create it along with an ansible group (recommended):

sudo touch /var/log/ansible.log

sudo groupadd ansible
sudo chown root:ansible /var/log/ansible.log
sudo chmod 775 /var/log/ansible.log
sudo usermod "$USER" -aG ansible


Since the ./vars/vault.yml is encrypted, for the sake of you knowing what should be there, here's a list of required variables, that must be preset in the vault, so you can create this file easily:

  • vault_admin_user_password: password for the admin user.

  • vault_ansible_user_authorized_key: public key to add to ansible authorized keys.

  • vault_admin_user_authorized_key: public key to add to admin authorized keys.

  • All the docker secrets, look in ./roles/docker_deploy/defaults/main.yml for the variable names.

If you create additonal users, make sure to place those new passwords in the vault too!


Adjust the inventory to your needs, if deploying on Linode add the ansible-cloud1 tag to the target machines, and export your API token:

export LINODE_API_TOKEN='your_token_here'

And run the playbook:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass site.yml

A run_playbook.sh script is also provided for convenience:


You can provide the Linode token and vault password via environment, or you can create a .env following the provided .env.sample, so you don't have to export the token and vault password for every new shell session:

cp .env.sample .env
vim .env # Edit the values

Deploy options

As you may expect, by default, password is only set on user creation (update_password: on_create). If you want to update users password, explicitely specify update_passwords=true, to run a specific tasks for this (with update_password: always):

./run_playbook.sh -e update_passwords=true

The reasons behind this decision is to avoid false changed reports and most important, so it doesn't mesh around with passwords if this script is executed in multiple machines (that should have different passwords for security).

UFW by default does not clean previous rules, if you want to force a reset of the current rules, do it with reset_ufw=true:

./run_playbook.sh -e reset_ufw=true

Docker compose by default does not restart if at least one container is running on the compose project, you can force a restart with restart_compose=true:

./run_playbook.sh -e restart_compose=true

You can always of course run the full ansible command instead of using the script since these flags are for ansible, and not for the script: ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass site.yml -e update_passwords=true

Common issues

Connection time out after defaults modification

If you changed the ssh port or the default users array in the defaults, make sure to change the remote user and port on ansible.cfg, by default it works with the ansible user and the port 4242.

If the ssh custom port is closed it will attempt connection with root or port 22, assuming ssh config is not yet changed.

Unexpected keyword argument 'allowed_methods'

If you get this error when parsing the linode inventory file:

[WARNING]:  * Failed to parse /.../inventory.linode.yml with ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.inventory.linode plugin: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'allowed_methods'

There's an incompatibility issue due to the allowed_methods argument in the urllib3.util.retry module, which was added in urllib3 version 1.26.0.

To resolve this issue, you need to upgrade urllib3 to a version 1.26.0 or higher:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade urllib3

And request in case you get a warning about not supported urllib3 version:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade requests