
The aim of this project is to get familiar with assembly language by reconding a few libc functions.

Primary LanguageC



The aim of this project is to get familiar with assembly language by reconding a few libc functions for MACOS x86_64 assembly.

  • Status: finished
  • Result: 100%
  • Observations: for macho64 nasm

developed by: izenynn

List of functions

ft_strlen man 3 strlen
ft_strcpy man 3 strcpy
ft_strcmp man 3 strcmp
ft_write man 2 write
ft_read man 2 read
ft_strdup man 3 strdup


Compile the package:


To test the results, issue:

make check

To use it just copy and compile with the libasm.a, e.g.:

gcc main.c -lasm -L.

forthebadge forthebadge