
A very simple homepage | 一个非常简陋的引导页

Primary LanguageLessGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Homepage Lite —— 一个非常简陋的引导页


下载 index.html index.css data.js vue.global.prod.js,编辑 data.js 文件,其中 services 对应的是有 icon 的链接,bookmarks 则对应的是无 icon 的链接。其类型如下:

interface Service {
  text: string;
  href: string;
  icon: string;
  target?: string;

interface Bookmark {
  text: string;
  href: string;
  target?: string;

你可以通过 servicesCollapse bookmarksCollapse 数组传入布尔值来控制默认的展开或收起状态,false为展开,true 为收起

Homepage Lite —— A very simple homepage


Download index.html index.css data.js vue.global.prod.js, edit the data.js file, services corresponds to links with icon and bookmarks corresponds to links without icon.The types are as follows:

interface Service {
  text: string;
  href: string;
  icon: string;
  target?: string;

interface Bookmark {
  text: string;
  href: string;
  target?: string;

You can control the default expanded or collapsed state by passing boolean values through the servicesCollapse and bookmarksCollapse arrays, where false means expanded and true means collapsed.