
Simple routing for OWIN applications inspired by express.js

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.NET library with simple routing API inspired by express.js for Katana applications.

Owin.Routing is now based on ASP.NET System.Web.Routing.


IAppBuilder Extensions

  • RouteBuilder Route(this IAppBuilder app, string url) - injects route to app pipeline.

RouteBuilder class

This class providers fluent API to handlers for specific HTTP verbs (GET, POST, etc).

RouteBuilder methods:

using HandlerFunc = Func<IOwinContext, Task>

  • RouteBuilder Get(HandlerFunc handler) - set GET handler.
  • RouteBuilder Post(HandlerFunc handler) - set POST handler.
  • RouteBuilder Put(HandlerFunc handler) - set PUT handler.
  • RouteBuilder Patch(HandlerFunc handler) - set PATCH handler.
  • RouteBuilder Delete(HandlerFunc handler) - set DELETE handler.

Sample code

Below is block of test code.

[TestCase("/docs/reports", Result = "reports")]
[TestCase("/docs/reports/1", Result = "reports[1]")]
public async Task<string> Test(string path)
	using (var server = TestServer.Create(app =>
			.Get(async ctx =>
				var name = ctx.GetRouteValue<string>("collection");
				await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(name);

			.Get(async ctx =>
				var col = ctx.GetRouteValue<string>("collection");
				var id = ctx.GetRouteValue<string>("id");
				await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(string.Format("{0}[{1}]", col, id));
		var response = await server.HttpClient.GetAsync(path);
		var s = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
		return s;