
Estimate website size.

Primary LanguageShell


Because I want to estimate size of the website before I download it entirely with [GNU Wget] 1.


website-size.sh bash shell wrapper script will take URL of the website as input and use Wget Web spider super powers to recursively crawl website and save all info into the logfile from which size will be estimated with a little help from our friends, i.e., grep and awk.

estimate-size.sh will do the same thing, but it will take existing Wget logfile as input. Additionally you can provide second argument in form of [Internet media type] 2 to filter calculation only to specified file format.




$ website-size [OPTIONS] URL

website-size.sh is using following Wget options:

  • --recursive, -r — Turn on recursive retrieving.

  • --level=inf, -l 0 — Specify recursion maximum depth level, i.e., sets infinite recursion depth.

    You can override this option while invoking the script, e.g.:

      $ website-size -l 1 http://example.com/image-gallery.html

    This is useful if you want to estimate size of all elements (e.g., images) presented solely in image-gallery.html webpage.

  • --spider — Convert Wget to Web spider, i.e., do not download the pages, just check that they are there.

  • --server-response, -S — Print the headers sent by HTTP server.

  • --no-directories, -nd — Don't create a hierarchy of directories when retrieving recursively. Wget will otherwise create an empty hierarchy of directories that we really do not need for our use case.

  • --output-file=logfile, -o logfile — Log all messages to logfile. In our case logfile is equal to /tmp/wget-website-size-log which allows to calculate estimated size of the website.

    You can override this option while invoking the script, e.g.:

      $ website-size -o log http://example.com

    In the example above Wget will log all messages into the log file and therefore website-size.sh script will at the end print out "Unable to calculate estimated size." message. In this case you can use estimate-size.sh script to estimate size of the website or specific type of files.


Other useful Wget options that you can use while invoking script:

  • --no-check-certificate — Don't check the server certificate against the available certificate authorities. Also don't require the URL host name to match the common name presented by the certificate. Use this if you have issues with HTTPS URLs.
  • --no-parent, -np — Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively. This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files below a certain hierarchy will be downloaded.
  • --wait=seconds, -w seconds — Wait the specified number of seconds between the retrievals. Use of this option is recommended, as it lightens the server load by making the requests less frequent.
  • --user-agent=agent-string, -U agent-string — Identify as agent-string (i.e. User-Agent header field) to the HTTP server.

For more information about Wget options see [GNU Wget manual] 3.

Depending on the size of the website crawling process can take some time to finish. Patience is a virtue.

Festina lente. ;)


$ estimate-size logfile [TYPE]

Usage is pretty straightforward, get yourself some Wget logfile and start messing around with it. You can find [list of common media types] 4 @ Wikipedia.


Wget, grep and awk are integral part of Debian (based) GNU/Linux distribution(s).


Example commands listed below are based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

  1. Install requirements

  2. Download and uncompress website-size, e.g.:

     $ sudo wget -q https://github.com/mariomaric/website-size/archive/master.tar.gz -O - | tar -C /opt -xz
  3. Create a symbolic link to the scripts you want to use in a directory that is already in your PATH, e.g.:

     $ sudo ln -s /opt/website-size-master/website-size.sh /usr/local/bin/website-size
     $ sudo ln -s /opt/website-size-master/estimate-size.sh /usr/local/bin/estimate-size