
Test Driven Solidity with Truffle


  1. brew install npm
  2. npm install truffle -g
  3. npm install ganache-cli -g
  4. npm install -g truffle-expect truffle-config web3


truffle.js - This is the configuration file that contains information such as development network settings for the project. This file will be used to configure the development network.

contracts folder - this folder is a container for all of our smart contracts. Truffle goes to the contracts folder and looks for the compatible files ( .sol ) to compile while compiling the project.

test All the tests — either written in Solidity or JavaScript — will go to this folder. Truffle will create a build folder to hold artifacts of the compiled contracts. We will see this folder when we run $ truffle compile command but before that, we need to set up our private network first.

Preparing the Test Environment

run ganache-cli add corresponding information to truffle.js

for example:

module.exports = {
      host: '',
      port: 8545,
      network_id: '*' // match any netwrok id

Run tests

truffle test

example of execution

  Contract: SimpleContract
    ✔ should return the name
    ✔ should return change the name (69ms)
    ✔ should execute only by the owner (1051ms)
    ✔ should fail (1329ms)
    ✔ should check the type of the event (1060ms)
    ✔ should emit with correct paremeters (1227ms)
    Events emitted in tx 0xb54567002c89c17348b0bc777331046e80364e5a094978311ce993d1378f1665:
    NameEvent(0: hello event, __length__: 1, evPram: hello event)

    ✔ should print the event paremeters (1092ms)

  7 passing (6s)

run single test: truffle test ./test/simple_contract.js