[Blog post] (http://izqui.me/post/37407490216/automatically-adding-torrents-to-raspberry-pi)
First of all you need to install the python module that will talk to transmission-rpc:
pip install transmissionrpc
Now edit the scripts with your raspi IP, transmission user and passwd.
###Transmission configuration
You need to install trasnmission-daemon in your Raspi
sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon
You now need to change the settings:
Stop the server
sudo /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop
Edit settings
sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json
Edit this
"rpc-password": "your pass",
"rpc-username": "your username",
"rpc-whitelist": "*.*.*.*"
Save and start again
sudo /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start
###addt configuration
Move the script to '/usr/bin' and make it executable: cd /usr/bin sudo chmod 755 addt
Now you can type 'addt' and add links
###Torrents auto adding
Create '~/Torrents' and save the folder action script included. Place torrents.py in your Torrents directory and you are good to go.
To test it save a torrent in this dir and you will see it added in your Raspi.
Feel free to contribute!