
Parse equations to an AST

Primary LanguageTypeScript

equation-parser – Parse math to an AST

Parses a plaintext string of unicode math to an AST.

This fork updates how TS types are re-exported to support --isolatedModules. See issue create-react-app #6054


npm i git+https://github.com/izuchukwu/equation-parser


parse(input: string) => EquationNode | EquationParserError

Parse the string into an EquationNode, or an EquationParserError if the string is invalid.

parse should never throw, any error should be considered a library error.


// returns {
//   type: 'plus',
//   a: {
//     type: 'plus',
//     a: { type: 'number', value: '1' },
//     b: {
//       type: 'multiply-dot',
//       a: { type: 'number', value: '2' },
//       b: { type: 'number', value: '3' }
//     }
//   },
//   b: {
//     type: 'function',
//     name: 'a',
//     args: [{ type: 'variable', name: 'b' }]
//   }
// }

renderTree(node: EquationNode | EquationParserError) => string

Render the AST as a tree of nodes. Mostly useful for debugging and understanding the AST structure. This function should preferably be removed by a treeshaking build.


// returns
// '+
// ├─ +
// │  ├─ 1
// │  └─ *
// │     ├─ 2
// │     └─ 3
// └─ a()
//    └─ "b"'

stringify(node: EquationNode | EquationParserError) => string

Reconstructs the original equation from the AST. Whitespace is not preserved, and operators with multiple symbols always output the same. This function should preferably be removed by a treeshaking build.


// returns '1 + 2 * 3 + a(b)'


The CLI is included mainly for testing. The first argument should be either json or tree and the second an equation string.


$ equation-parser json "1+2*3+a(b)"
  "type": "plus",
  "a": {
    "type": "plus",
    "a": {
      "type": "number",
      "value": "1"
    "b": {
      "type": "multiply-dot",
      "a": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": "2"
      "b": {
        "type": "number",
        "value": "3"
  "b": {
    "type": "function",
    "name": "a",
    "args": [
        "type": "variable",
        "name": "b"
$ equation-parser tree "1+2*3+a(b)"
├─ +
│  ├─ 1
│  └─ *
│     ├─ 2
│     └─ 3
└─ a()
   └─ "b"

Parsing result

The result of the parsing should follow common math precedence, such as addition wrapping multiplication.

Whitespace is ignored, except when separating two numbers (1 2), two variables (a b) or a variable and a number (a 2). Two numbers results in an numberWhitespace-error. The others results in implicit multiplication.

Variables must start with a non-number. Leading numbers will instead be interpreted as implicit multiplication (2x is 2 * x).

AST – EquationNode

EquationNodes are plain objects, identified by their type property. To avoid stressing the type system, operator precedence is not enforced through the type system.


Represents a named variable. Subscripts should be separated with underscores.

Additional values:

  • name: string

Example: a, %, a_2


Represents a number. Note that the value is not parsed as a number, but is guaranteed to be a number.

Additional values:

  • value: string

Example: 1, 2.3, .4


Represents a function. Always has at least one argument.

Additional values:

  • name: string
  • args: EquationNode[]

Example: f(1), g(a, b)


Represents a statement wrapped in parenthesis.

Additional values:

  • child: EquationNode

Example: (1), (1+2)


Represents a matrix. n is the amount of columns, m is the amount of rows, values is a list of rows.

Vectors can be represented by a single row. The data-structure is the same, it will simply be a 1-column matrix.

Additional values:

  • n: number
  • m: number
  • values: EquationNode[][]

Example: [1,2,3], [[1,2,3][4,5,6][7,8,9]]

Unary expressions

Multiple operators targeting a single value.


  • positive: Plus-sign unary. Symbols: +
  • negative: Minus-sign unary. Symbols: -, (Minus Sign (U+2212))
  • positive-negative: Plus/minus-sign unary. Symbols: ± (Plus minus symbol (U+00B1))

Additional values:

  • value: EquationNode

Example: -2, 5*(±2)

Binary expressions

Multiple operators and comparisons targetting two values.


  • plus: Addition. Symbols: +
  • minus: Subtraction. Symbols: -, (U+2212 Minus Sign)
  • plus-minus: Addition/subtraction. Symbols: ± (U+00B1 Plus minus symbol)
  • multiply-implicit: Implicit multiplication. Symbols: (Space, special handling)
  • multiply-dot: Multiply with dot. Symbols: *, (U+2217 Asterisk Operator), (U+22C5 Dot Operator)
  • multiply-cross: Multiplication with cross. Symbols: × (U+00D7 Multiplication Sign), (U+2715 Multiplication X)
  • divide-fraction: Division as fraction. Symbols: /, (U+2215 Division Slash)
  • divide-inline: Division as inline operator. Symbols: ÷ (U+00F7 Division Sign)
  • power: Raise to power. Symbols: ^
  • equals: Comparison. Symbols: =
  • less-than: Comparison. Symbols: <
  • greater-than: Comparison. Symbols: >
  • less-than-equals: Comparison. Symbols: (U+2264 Less-Than or Equal To)
  • greater-than-equals: Comparison. Symbols: (U+2265 Greater-Than or Equal To)
  • approximates: Comparison. Symbols: (U+2248 Almost Equal To)

Additional values:

  • a: EquationNode
  • b: EquationNode

Example: 1+2, 2/5, 1+2=3


Represents a missing operand (number, variable, function, block).

Example: _, _+2, f(_)


Represents a function without a name.

Additional values:

  • args: EquationNode[]

Example: _(2), _(a, b)


Represents a missing binary operator, such as plus or equals.

Additional values:

  • a: EquationNode
  • b: EquationNode

Example: 2 ? 3


Represents a missing unary operator, such as negative or positive-negative.

Additional values:

  • value: EquationNode

Example: ?2, 2+(?3)


Represents an error in parsing. Not technically an EquationNode, since it cannot be a subvalue of any other nodes, but it can be returned by the parse function.

The type of error is represented by the errorType-value, taking one of the following:

  • numberWhitespace: Unexpected space in a number
  • invalidNumber: Invalid number
  • adjecentOperator: Two operators next to each other
  • invalidChar: Unrecognized character
  • invalidUnary: This operator cannot be used as a unary operator
  • multipleExpressions: There are a few cases where the expression doesn't proberly terminate. This is generally the result of a library limitation.
  • matrixMixedDimension: The rows of a matrix are different dimensions
  • matrixEmpty: A matrix has no elements
  • vectorEmpty: A vector has no elements
  • expectedEnd: Expected end of equation, not a close parenthesis or similar
  • expectedSquareBracket: Expected a closing square-bracket, not a different type of parenthesis or the end of the equation
  • expectedCloseParens: Expected a closing parenthesis, not a diffent type of parenthesis or the end of the equation
  • operatorLast: The equation ends on an operator
  • emptyBlock: Parenthesis without content