
Lecture notes for AfBD course at University of Wrocław

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Algorithms for Big Data course

University of Wrocław, Spring 2022


Topics of this course

  • Streaming (counting, heavy hitters, norm estimation, sampling):
  • Dimensionality reduction and sparse linear algebra (e.g. JL, approx matrix mul, compressed sensing)
  • Applications (geometry algo, coresets, graph algorithms, ANN, sliding window)


Linear time/space algorithms are not good enough with modern datasets and their volume. Typical problem we are dealing with in this course: here is a stream of data, process it in a small space to compute output X. Usually there is a lower-bound preventing us to do it in a very small space exactly. Hence we need to relax our problem to achieve very efficient (in space and time) algorithms. Examples:

  • Think of any recommendation system, where each user has assigned highly dimensional vector of preferences. We want to test similarity/dissimilarity of user profiles.
  • Database with approximate index (Approx Membership Queries), to quickly eliminate queries for elements that are not in the DB, except for few false positives.
  • Lossy compression of audio or images selects heavy hitters in the frequency domain. How to find them without computing FFT explicitly?
  • Count distinct elements in a stream, or maintain statistics in a continuous stream of updates (router + number of unique IP).


  • Probabilistic tools - few probabilistic bounds are good enough 90% of the time, sometimes we will need to go a little bit deeper (fancy distributions),
  • relaxing problem: 1±ɛ approximation and 1-𝛿 correctness probability guarantee,
  • linear algebra,
  • trace amounts of combinatorics and ``typical'' Algo & DataStructures - that's why it might be tricky for CS students.



Exercise classes

Rules of grading

  • Points for being present in the class (perfect attendance guarantees passing grade)
  • Points for solving problems at the whiteboard (in case of many volunteers, tie-breaking in favour of students having less points)
  • If you are shy: you can always hand me paper-written solution to problems for extra points.