
Nord Recolor for Discord

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


an arctic, north bluish color pallete for discord based on DiscordRecolor

🖥️ Installation

  1. Install BandagedBD from here.
  2. After that, go to your BDD theme folder which can be found in your Discord Client at User Settings > Bandaged BD > Themes
  3. Click Open Theme Folder and place the nord.theme.css or nord-darker.theme.css file downloaded from here in the theme folder
  4. Go back to Discord, and it will automatically show up in your theme list. All you need to do now is hit the slider switch on the right to turn it on.
  5. If everything is installed correctly, it will look similar to the images below. :)
    • Having trouble installing the theme? There is a more visual guide found here at zerebos's site.

💻 Powercord Installation (Installation is a bit unconvinent and buggy)

  1. Follow the instructions to install powercord from here.
  2. Download powercord_manifest.json and theme.css from the powercord folder in this repo.
  3. Go to your powercord themes directory (/Powercord/src/Powercord/themes).
  4. Put all the files from step 2 there.

🖼️ Previews

  • Lighter variant
  • Darker variant
  • 🌟 Variations

  • There are two variations of this theme, nord and norddarker, you can choose between them. Nord is the normal and nord darker is a slightly darker variation
  • 💖 Special thanks to

    /r/nordtheme for encouraging me to release this. :) I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome to it because of my beginner experience with this sorts of stuff.

    IDislikeChair for fixing some issues the theme had and rewriting it!

    sheepdev for recoloring some elements, enhancing the readme and adding powercord support.