
Empty boilerplate with quick project setup that is ready to go.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

See a demo of this boilerplate here

Basic Boilerplate

This is a simple boilerplate using Grunt & Assemble

This boilerplate enforces very few conventions and can be pieces can be swapped out as needed. Here's a list of what comes by default:

  • HTML ⋅⋅- Assemble/Handlebars for templating
  • CSS ⋅⋅- Scss ⋅⋅- PostCSS Autoprefixer
  • Javascript ⋅⋅- RequireJS ⋅⋅- Babel (ES6 Transpiling)
  • Bower
  • Grunt


  1. Clone/download repo
  2. Run cp build-env.js-dist build-env.js to make a local copy of the build environment variables
  3. Run npm install -g grunt-cli
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run bower install
  6. Run grunt
  7. Run grunt connect
  8. Navigate to localhost:4000 in browser to view output
  9. Optionally run grunt watch to watch for changes

Production Builds

Want to build for production? Run grunt --prod and the following will occur:

  • CSS will be minified
  • JS will run through the r.js optimizer and be minified into one main.js file.
  • foot.hbs markup will output adjust ouput for production.

Need to check for production in your Handlebars templates? Simply use an {{#if production}} block to output content for production.

Errors or want changes?

Submit an issue or pull request.