
Fantasy Console with made up asm

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


a shitty fantasy console written in rust using a proprietary MIPS based asm instruction set. a lot of inspiration from PICO-8. ceres is structured of these crates:

  • ceres-sys: the core system structure of ceres-16
  • ceres-asm: the assembler for ceres-16


ceres uses a 256x144 screen with a separate video buffer from the standard memory. colors are 16-bit structured like 0b0000_rrrr_gggg_bbbb where the first four bits are ignored. the video buffer is structured row major where each u16 is an individual pixel

Register layout and info

all registers are unsigned 16 bit

Register number Register name Register usage
0 z0 always contains zero
1 pc program counter
2 sp stack pointer
3 ra return address
4-6 a0-a2 argument registers
7 v0 return register
8 v1 return register 2
9-15 t0-t6 temporary registers

Memory map and info

god oh fuck what am i even doing


load - ld:signifier $dest immediate/address
opcode signifier destination padding immediate/address
00001 100 0000 0000 0000000000000000
add - add $src1 $src2 $dest
opcode padding source1 source2 dest
00010 000000000000000 0000 0000 0000