
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learnable Task 8: Telephone Package


This package provides a simple telephone class with three main functionalities: adding a phone number, removing a phone number, and dialing a phone number. It also utilizes the observer pattern to notify registered observers when a phone number is dialed.


There are no special installations required for this one as usual. Simply include the provided JavaScript code in your project or replit or wherever you work.

How to use

Create an instance of the Telephone class:

const telephone = new Telephone();

Add phone numbers using the addPhoneNumber method:

telephone.addPhoneNumber("1234567890"); telephone.addPhoneNumber("2345678901");

Remove a phone number using the removePhoneNumber method:

telephone.removePhoneNumber("1234567890"); Dial a phone number using the dialPhoneNumber method:


Add and remove observers:

const chike = new PhoneNumberObserver();
const obioma = new SpecialPhoneNumberObserver();

