CCC Backend


  1. Run python3 -m venv env to create a virtual environment called "env"
  2. Run source env/bin/activate to change your environment
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies
  4. Update .env file with required variables

Start Server

  1. Run python3

Environment Variables

OPENAI_API_KEY: For ChatGPT usage.
MONGODB_URI: Link to the Mongo Atlas instance.



Checks if you're the owner of the room
GET /user/room/:id
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  is_owner: True


GET /room/:id
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "game_type": "csc"


GET /csc/context
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "cscContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10
  "questions": [
    {"id": 123, "content": "What is your favorite food?"},
    {"id": 234, "content": "What is your favorite icecream?"}

POST /csc/questions/generate
You receive:
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "cscContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10
I receive:
201: {
  "questions": [
    {"id": 123, "content": "Who is more likely to burn down the computing building?"},
    {"id": 123, "content": "Who is the most likely to use Haskel?"}

POST /csc/questions/create
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "id": 11357890,

PUT /csc/questions/:id
You receive:
  "content": "Who is more likely to burn down the computing building?"
I receive:
200: {}

DELETE /csc/questions/:id
You receive:
I receive:
201: {}

POST /room/csc/create
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "id": "ABGED"


GET /bb/context
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "bbContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10
  "questions": [
    {"id": 123, "content": "What is your favorite food?"},
    {"id": 234, "content": "What is your favorite icecream?"}

POST /bb/questions/generate
You receive:
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "bbContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10
I receive:
201: {
  "questions": [
    {"id": 123, "content": "Who is more likely to burn down the computing building?"},
    {"id": 123, "content": "Who is the most likely to use Haskel?"}

POST /bb/questions/create
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "id": 11357890,

PUT /bb/questions/:id
You receive:
  "content": "Who is more likely to burn down the computing building?"
I receive:
200: {}

DELETE /bb/questions/:id
You receive:
I receive:
200: {}

POST /room/bb/create
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "id": "ABGED"


GET /bingo/context
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "fields": [
    {"id": 1234165341, "content": "Gender"},
    {"id": 1237890452, "content": "Favourite brand of chocolate"}

POST /bingo/fields/create
Should function the same as csc/questions/create
You receive:
I receive:
  "id": 1237849

PUT /bingo/fields/:id
You receive:
  "content": "Favourite colour"
I receive:
200: {}

DELETE /bingo/fields/:id
You receive:
I receive:
200: {}

POST /room/bingo/create
Creates a game room, but don't have the questions yet.
You receive:
  "fields": [
    {"id": 1234165341, "content": "Gender"},
    {"id": 1237890452, "content": "Favourite brand of chocolate"}
I receive:
200: {
  "id": 12358934

GET /bingo/:id/fields
Gets the fields for the players to fill in.
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "fields": [
    {"id": 1234165341, "content": "Gender"},
    {"id": 1237890452, "content": "Favourite brand of chocolate"}

POST /bingo/:id/join
Players submit their form which should contain their personal information. Everything in "data" is meant to be pushed wholesale into ChatGPT. Other information is always a field.
Length of each field doesn't exceed X characters.
You receive:
  "name": "Clement Tee",
  "Gender": "Apache Attack Helicopter",
  "Favourite Colour": "Oil",
  "other_information": "I like to eat cheese"
I receive:
200: {}
409: {}

GET /bingo/:id/players
Get a list of people who have submitted a form. Should only return if you are the owner.
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "players": [
    "Amirah Tan",
    "Nicholas Tan Bin",
    "Nicole Hai Wei Ting"

POST /bingo/:id/generate
You receive:
I receive:
201: {
  "squares": [
    { "description": "Obsessed with K-dramas and Gong Woo", "name": "Jonathan","title": "K-drama Fanatic" },
    { "description": "Enthusiastic about flying and making woosh sounds", "name": "Icarus \"Icky\" Iguana", "title": "Helicopter Gender" }

GET /bingo/:id
A bunch of boolean checks. Refer to slide 4 of
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "isOwner": true,
  "hasStarted": false

GET /bingo/:id/squares
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "squares": [
    { "description": "Obsessed with K-dramas and Gong Woo", "name": "Jonathan", "title": "K-drama Fanatic" },
    { "description": "Enthusiastic about flying and making woosh sounds", "name": "Icarus \"Icky\" Iguana", "title": "Helicopter Gender" }

POST /bingo/:id/submit
The player submits what they currently have.
You receive:
  "name": "Linus Richards",
  "score": 2,
  "total_score": 10,
  "timestamp": 1238491346790826854
I receive:
200: {}

GET /bingo/:id/leaderboard
Host presses a button that shows top 3 people, with time as tie-breaker.
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "players": [
    {"name": "George Richards", "score": 4},
    {"name": "Ang Mei Hua", "score": 4},
    {"name": "Wu Si Ling", "score": 3}

POST /bingo/:id/start
Host presses a button to start the game.
You receive:
I receive:
200: {}


POST /room/quiz/create
You receive:
I receive:
201: {
  "id": 123413534253

GET /quiz/:room_id/context
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "quizContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10

POST /quiz/:room_id/questions/generate
You receive:
  "baseContext": {
    "purpose": "first date",
    "relationship": "acquaintances",
    "description": "20-year-old singaporean university computing students who have no social life"
  "quizContext": {
    "number_of_questions": 10
I receive:
201: {
  "questions": [
      "id": 123,
      "content": "Who has burned down the computing building?",
      "options": [
        "Jason", // First option is always the correct one

POST /quiz/:room_id/questions/create
You receive:
I receive:
200: {
  "id": 11357890,

PUT /quiz/:room_id/questions/:id
You receive:
  "content": "Who is more likely to burn down the computing building?"
I receive:
200: {}

DELETE /quiz/:room_id/questions/:id
You receive:
I receive:
200: {}

POST /quiz/:room_id/join
You receive:
  "name": "Jason",
  "information": "I am a mega-brained individual"
I receive:
200: {}

POST /quiz/:room_id/start
You receive:
I receive:
200: {}