Developed using Flutter as its hybrid and easy to publish on multiple platform such as Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Project structure attempt to use MVVM approach.
Tested on iOS and Android.
This app only consists of three screens.
✅ List of User ✅ Search User ✅ Update / New User
What we have on every screen.
This screen will have all users with all the data.
User avatar source pulled from Gravatar.
To refresh for new data, just pull down the page. The red trash bin button on the upper right will delete the user.
Click to Call / Email
Only Admin can do Delete / User only can see
Reused the same data as in the List of Users.
Search will query from all user data (username, email, phone number, skill sets and hobby).
- Search on the specific field
Create/update user info.
- Add more Skill Sets
- Autocomplete hobby
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd flutter-be
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Start the server
flutter run