
a super simple demo project using specklepy 2.0

Primary LanguagePython

🥧 speckle-py example

This project uses speckle-py to grab data from a Speckle Server and create some Plotly plots displayed on a Dash page. This is intended as a simple example of using the speckle python SDK to receive data from a server, do fun stuff with the data, and send changes back to the server. The tutorial to go along with it can be found here.


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Developing & Debugging

This project uses poetry to handle requirements. If you've never used it before, I recommend adding the following config to place the virtual environment within the project directory.

$ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

To install the requirements, simply run:

$ poetry install

Note that this is using a local version of speckle-py located in the root of the project as it is not yet published. It will soon be a published package, but for now please pull from main in the project repo to get the latest updates. To package up a new tarball, run $ poetry build from the speckle-py repo and copy over the new tar.gz from the dist directory.