
The Fat Cat Project

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

The Fat Cat Polygraph Project

Have a cat on a diet? Have a roommate and share the feeding duties?

Does that little fatso tell bold-faced lies about whether he's been fed?

Yeah. Of course he does. That's why I started the Fat Cat Polygraph Project, a microcontroller that lives under the sink with one simple job: fact check the cat's statement that he still hasn't been fed.

The Little Liar


Two buttons. Two LEDs. If an LED is on, the cat is telling the truth (guess that's why he woke me up). Get the cat food and press the matching button. Several hours later, the other LED will come on. Dinnertime for fatso!

When it's not feeding time, the LEDs will briefly blink once a minute - just to make sure everything's working.

First time it turns on, both LEDs will blink a few times and stay lit. Press the button for the next meal and the thing is good-to-go. Screw it up? Press both buttons at the same time and everything will reset.

Installed in the cabinet

The Hardware

You probably have this stuff lying around from other projects. You need:

  • An arduino compatible microcontroller (I used a Teensy 2.0)
  • 2 buttons (I used 2 Cherry MX switches I had lying around)
  • 2 LEDs (I used some 3mm red ones, because they fit in the MX switches)
  • The right resistors for your LEDs. But you knew that already, right?

The Software

The pins used for the buttons and LEDs are at the top of the file. Change those suckers. Or use the same ones I did - hey, I know they work.

I feed my cat before work, around 0830, and after I get home, around 1730. That's how I picked how long it waits before it starts advertising the next meal. Change these values to suit the preference of your own rotund balls of fur. If DEBUG is defined it'll suggest feeding him every 10 seconds - the catball might enjoy this but I can't recommend it once you've figured about which pins should be connected to which buttons.

Things I'd Do If I Cared

This handles what I want it to do. If you wanted to, you could

  • Make it handle 3 meals (gasp!)
  • Make it use only one button. Really only needs one, and reset could be press and hold. But I had two switches in a box. So I didn't. You can!
  • Add better pictures to the README. I might actually do this one.