
A lis.py implementation for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT



MLisp is based off of Peter Norvig's lis.py (https://www.norvig.com/lispy.html).

MLisp is an incomplete lis.py implementation written in OCaml intended for educational purposes. The goal of MLisp is to teach the concept of "code is data", so there is no s-expression parser. You construct MLisp programs using OCaml datatypes, meaning that MLisp is a Lisp interpreter embedded in OCaml. You can extend the functionality of MLisp by adding features to the core implementation.

Differences from lis.py:

  • MLisp has explicit string, boolean, and symbol types.
  • lis.py has special math functions like sin, cos, etc while MLisp does not.
  • MLisp has 64-bit ints and floats while lis.py has arbitrary-precision numbers.
  • MLisp has short-circuiting boolean and and or functions.


  1. If you get stuck, read the Python source code and try to translate it into OCaml. There will likely be some major differences due to OCaml's strict static type system, but the core implementation of MLisp is similar to lis.py. Since MLisp is an implementation of lis.py, a MLisp program should have the same output as the equivalent lis.py program.

  2. Debugging hints:

    1. Use let () = Env.print env in ... to print the environment

    2. Trace functions to see what they're returning. This only works locally. Use #trace in the OCaml toplevel (preferably utop) via:

     utop[1]> #install_printer Env.pp;;
     utop[2]> #trace Env.get;;
     Env.get is now traced.
     utop[3]> eval global_env (List [Symbol "+"; Int 1L; Int 2L]);;
     Env.get <-- "+"
     Env.get --> <fun>
     Env.get* <--
     self env: ----------
     *: <fun>
     +: <fun>
     [ ... ]
     symbol?: <fun>
     outer env: ---------
     Env.get\* --> Some (Type.Fun <fun>)
     - : Type.t = Type.Int 3L


  1. Fix the bug which prevents lexical closures from working properly

  2. Implement the remaining lis.py functions:

    • apply
    • append
    • car
    • cdr
    • cons
    • expt
    • length
    • list?
    • map
    • max
    • min
    • null?
    • number?
    • procedure? (hint: Type.Fun is the only type of procedure in MLisp)
  3. Refactor the following into a single higher-order function:

    a. add_fun, sub_fun, and mult_fun

    b. gt_fun, lt_fun, ge_fun, and le_fun

  4. Implement support for floats. Hint: you may need to extend Type.t with a Float of float type and add float support to all the functions that work with Ints. OCaml floats are 64 bit so don't worry about overflow. Note that division in lis.py always returns a float

  5. Implement the round function

  6. Implement short-circuiting boolean and and or forms in eval. To make things easier, assume that they only take two arguments. Hint: These are sometimes defined as macros in others Lisps. Look at the macros and see how you can transform and and or into if expressions


Run make to install the dependencies and make build to build the project.

You should be using OCaml 4.10.0 or later.

make test runs the test suite and make coverage generates a HTML test coverage report at _coverage/index.html.

make fmt auto-formats all the OCaml files with ocamlformat.

make repl runs a custom instance of utop with the MLisp library pre-loaded. You will have to re-run this command every time you change MLisp.ml.

The MLisp code is at lib/MLisp.ml and has no extra dependencies so you can copy-paste it into an online editor like https://try.ocamlpro.com/ and it will work.

Sample MLisp Programs:

Multiplication with variables

lis.py code

  (define x 5)
  ( * x x))

MLisp code

eval global_env (List [Symbol "begin"; List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "x"; Int 5L]; List [Symbol "*"; Symbol "x"; Symbol "x"]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Int 25L


Note that MLisp follows lis.py in this case...

(apply + (list 1 2 3)) or (+ 1 2 3) would evaluate to 1 + 2 + 3 in most Lisps

lis.py code

(apply + (list 1 2))

MLisp code

eval global_env (List [Symbol "apply"; Symbol "+"; List [Symbol "list"; Int 1L; Int 2L]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Int 3

Apply Error

lis.py code

(apply + (list 1 2 3))

MLisp code

eval global_env (List [Symbol "apply"; Symbol "+"; List [Symbol "list"; Int 1L; Int 2L; Int 3L]]);;


Exception: Runtime_error "Invalid argument(s): expected 2 numbers".


lis.py code

  (define x "test")
  ((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2))

MLisp code

eval global_env
(List [Symbol "begin";
   List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "x"; String "test"];
   List [List [Symbol "lambda"; List [Symbol "x"];
     List [Symbol "+"; Symbol "x"; Int 1L]];
   Int 2L]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Int 3L


lis.py code

  (define fact (lambda (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 ( _ n (fact (- n 1))))))
  (fact 10))

MLisp code

eval global_env
  [Symbol "begin";
    List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "fact";
      List [Symbol "lambda"; List [Symbol "n"];
        List [Symbol "if"; List [Symbol "<="; Symbol "n"; Int 1L];
          Int 1L;
          List [Symbol "*"; Symbol "n"; List [Symbol "fact"; List [Symbol "-"; Symbol "n"; Int 1L]]]]]];
    List [Symbol "fact"; Int 10L]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Int 3628800L

Lexical Closures

lis.py code

 (define make-counter
   (lambda ()
      (define count 0)
      (lambda ()
         (set! count (+ count 1))
  (define counter1 (make-counter))
  (define counter2 (make-counter))
  (print (counter1))
  (print (counter1))
  (print (counter2))
  (print (counter2))))

MLisp code

eval global_env
     [Symbol "begin";
      List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "make-counter";
            List [Symbol "lambda"; List [];
                  List [Symbol "begin";
                        List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "count"; Int 0L];
                        List [Symbol "lambda"; List [];
                              List [Symbol "begin";
                                    List [Symbol "set!"; Symbol "count";
                                          List [Symbol "+"; Symbol "count"; Int 1L]];
                                    Symbol "count"]]]]];
      List [Symbol "begin";
            List [Symbol "define"; Symbol "counter1"; List [Symbol "make-counter"]];
            List [Symbol "print"; List [Symbol "counter1"]];
            List [Symbol "print"; List [Symbol "counter1"]];


- : Type.t = Type.Nil

Short-circuiting and

When the first argument is "falsy":

lis.py code

  (begin (print "left") #f) ;; #f is false and #t is true
  (begin (print "right") #t))

MLisp code

eval global_env
  (List [ Symbol "and";
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "left" ]; Bool false];
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "right" ]; Bool true]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Bool false

When the first argument is "falsy":

lis.py code

  (begin (print "left") #t) ;; #f is false and #t is true
  (begin (print "right") #t))

MLisp code

eval global_env
  (List [ Symbol "and";
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "left" ]; Bool true];
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "right" ]; Bool true]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Bool true

Short-circuiting or

When the first argument is "truthy":

lis.py code

  (begin (print "left") #t) ;; #f is false and #t is true
  (begin (print "right") #f))

MLisp code

eval global_env
  (List [ Symbol "or";
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "left" ]; Bool true];
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "right" ]; Bool false]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Bool true

When the first argument is "falsy":

lis.py code

  (begin (print "left") #f) ;; #f is false and #t is true
  (begin (print "right") #f))

MLisp code

eval global_env
  (List [ Symbol "or";
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "left" ]; Bool false];
    List [ Symbol "begin"; List [ Symbol "print"; String "right" ]; Bool false]]);;


- : Type.t = Type.Bool false