
Random assorted pre-commit hooks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov pre-commit.ci status


Random assorted pre-commit hooks.


Put this in the repos section of your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

-   repo: https://github.com/MarcoGorelli/madforhooks
    rev: 0.4.1
    -   id: conda-env-sorter
    -   id: no-print-statements
    -   id: check-execution-order
    -   id: check-test-naming

Or, from the commandline:

pip install madforhooks
python -m madforhooks.check_execution_order file1.ipynb file2.ipynb file3.ipynb

Example of how to run check-test-naming on your test directory:

git ls-files | xargs python -m madforhooks.check_test_naming

Hooks available


Sort the dependencies in your conda environment file(s).


Raise if print statements are found (unless they have file=).


Raise if notebook cells were executed out-of-order. Use --strict to ensure strict monotonicity.


Check that test names start with test. This is useful for finding tests which are meant to be running in CI, but which don't because they are misnamed.

If there are any false positives, you prevent this tool from flagging them by adding a # not a test comment one the line where the function/class is defined.