Chat with your documents


Make a virtual environment. Inside the repository top level directory you can use poetry or pip to install.

poetry install


pip install .

You also need an OpenAI API KEY.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<insert_api_key>


Assuming you have a directory with .pdf files you can simply provide a path to that directory.

See the example jupyter-notebook ChatNotebookExample.ipynb.

To run:

jupyter-notebook ChatNotebookExample.ipynb
from pathlib import Path

from app import Chat

pdfs = Path("pdfs/")
chat = Chat(pdfs)

Chat history is saved in path/to/pdfs/history.txt by default but the location can be changed using the previous_messages keyword argument when instantiating the Chat class:

pdfs = Path("pdfs/")
chat = Chat(pdfs,previous_messages="alternate_history.txt")


  • Optimize chunking of text
  • Extend to other formats
  • Integrate into emacs or other text editor for more effective note taking.