
Kills GUI

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Everytime this runs it kills the GUI on multiple devices. Re-running the script just says port are already in use. I have to reboot the router to fix this. v1.10.1 on the ER's.

j-c-m commented

The system Log? There isn't any logging from your script that I can tell.

The problem happens randomly, I can't force it, even running the script a number of times in a row.

Also, the script seems to not be found regularly:

admin@lndrtr1:$ ls /config/scripts
post-config.d renew.acme.sh
$ sudo ./config/scripts/renew.acme.sh -d secure.asdfasdfasdf.com
sudo: ./config/scripts/renew.acme.sh: command not found

But this works:

admin@lndrtr1:~$ cd /config/scripts
admin@lndrtr1:/config/scripts$ ls
post-config.d renew.acme.sh
admin@lndrtr1:/config/scripts$ sudo ./renew.acme.sh -d secure.asdfasdfasdf.com
[Tue May 12 11:34:17 MDT 2020] Stopping GUI service.
[Tue May 12 11:34:18 MDT 2020] Starting temporary ACME challenge service.
[Tue May 12 11:34:19 MDT 2020] Domains not changed.
[Tue May 12 11:34:19 MDT 2020] Skip, Next renewal time is: Fri Jun 12 06:00:36 UTC 2020
[Tue May 12 11:34:19 MDT 2020] Add '--force' to force to renew.
[Tue May 12 11:34:19 MDT 2020] Stopping temporary ACME challenge service.
[Tue May 12 11:34:20 MDT 2020] Starting GUI service.

j-c-m commented

You specified an incorrect path when trying to run the script.

sudo /config/scripts/renew.acme.sh -d secure.asdfasdfasdf.com

To log output modify (replacing subdomain.example.com) the task-scheduler config to:

set system task-scheduler task renew.acme executable arguments '-d subdomain.example.com >> /var/log/renew.log'
j-c-m commented

Closing, feel free to re-open if you have more information to track down the issue.