stareg-matlab: STructured Additive REGression in Matlab


rng(2); % set random seed
n_data = 500; 
X = rand(n_data,2);
y = exp(-(X(:,1)-0.4).^2 ./ 0.01) + X(:,2).^2 + X(:,1).*X(:,2) + randn(n_data,1)*0.2; % create target data

Xtest = [rand(100,1), rand(100,1)]; % generate test data
ytest = exp(-(Xtest(:,1)-0.4).^2 ./ 0.01) + Xtest(:,2).^2 + Xtest(:,1).*Xtest(:,2);

d = {["s(1)", 100, "peak", 3000, "e"]; 
     ["t(1,2)", "12,20", "inc,inc", "2000,2000", "e,e"]};

[coef, basis_matrix, model] =, X, y); % fit the model
ypred = Stareg.predict(Xtest, model, coef);

fprintf("MSE on test data = %4.4f \n", Utils.mse(ytest, ypred));

Code Overview


  • Structured Additive Regression
  • B-Splines, P-Splines and shape-constraint P-splines
  • Incorporate prior knowledge using constraints:
    • Monotonicity constraints: increasing, decreasing
    • Shape constraints: convex, concave
    • Peak and Valley constraints
  • Interpretable Machine Learning
  • Uni- and multivariate regression


If you are having issues, please let us know. Contact can be made via GitHub.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.