
Add File Icon Theme

austincondiff opened this issue · 2 comments

We may as well also provide a file icon theme to go with the product icon theme.

j-f1 commented

Hi Austin,

Sorry for the delay in responding — this semester has been pretty busy! I considered this when crating the theme (especially when looking at the file type icons in the regular icon listing). However, I found that the set of document icons available in SF Symbols is fairly limited. As a result, I think it’s better to leave that space to custom icons at the moment. Maybe in a couple of years as SF Symbols matures, there will be enough icons to do this?

If, however, you’re interested in trying it out yourself, feel free to fork this repo and release your own extension for file icons! I’d be happy to link to it from the README :)

j-f1 commented

Just checking in on this issue — I did end up doing this!