
Clarify needed "monkey-patch dependency"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The README says that you need to install a monkey-patch dependency in step two, however, does not specify which one. What should the user download?

j-f1 commented

You’ll need to install iocave.monkey-patch. Note that as of VS Code 1.74 and newer, the monkey patch extension has been broken by changes to VS Code. You’ll need to use VS Code 1.73 or VSCodium to continue to use this extension.

Alright. By the way, do you have a screenshot of what it looks like with the icons?

j-f1 commented

There’s a screenshot in the readme! https://github.com/j-f1/sf-symbols-vscode

Yes however that one doesn't show the file icons, which are the main part I think :)