

A bash script to quickly and easily bootstrap a well-setup programming environment. It assumes a fresh install of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).

What It Sets Up

  1. Flatiron School's standard .bash_profile, which includes case-insensitive auto completion, a nice prompt with git branch awareness, and many useful shortcuts.
  2. Command Lines Tools
  3. Homebrew
  4. Git
  5. SQlite3
  6. RVM and Ruby 2.1.2
  7. Sublime Text 2.0 with Package Control, Solarized Theme, and proper tab defaults
  8. Sensible .gitconfig, .gitignore, .gemrc, and .irbrc files
  9. SSH Key for GitHub
  10. A simple directory structure for well-organized code

What You Need Before You Begin

  1. Know your admin password (you'll need to enter it once when the script first runs)
  2. Know your GitHub username
  3. Know the email address associated with your GitHub account
  4. A personal access api token for GitHub. You can create one here: The name doesn't matter. You must select the following scopes (at least):
  • repo
  • public_repo
  • write:public_key
  • user
  • admin:public_key
  • gist


  1. You'll need to run this script from an account with admin status. (DO NOT prepend sudo to the command below.)
  2. When the script first runs, you'll need to enter your admin password once.
  3. During installation, Sublime Text will open for a few seconds and then close automatically. Do not close it yourself. This step is required for some important directories to be created.


curl -Lo- "" | bash