
Semantic versioning the easy way. Powered by Conventional Commits. Built for use with CI

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Semantic versioning the easy way. Automatic tagging and version bumping of files in your repositories based on your commit messages. Powered by Conventional Commits. Easy to include in your CI.

:octocat: Github action available.


Binary downloads of uplift can be found on the Releases page. Unpack the uplift binary and add it to your PATH.


To use Homebrew:

brew tap gembaadvantage/tap
brew install uplift


To use Fish:

gofish install uplift


To use Scoop:

scoop install uplift


To install using a shell script:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gembaadvantage/uplift/master/scripts/install > install
chmod 700 install

Quick Start

Uplift can carry out different semantic versioning operations on your repository. All operations support the following global flags:

  • --dry-run provide a preview of changes only. Nothing is changed
  • --debug log extra output to the console in debug mode
  • --no-push no changes will be committed and pushed back to your git remote
  • --silent silence all log output from uplift
  • --prerelease append a prerelease suffix to the next calculated semantic version

Uplift supports the use of a v prefix and includes it with subsequent bumps.

Prerelease Support

Prerelease suffixes such as beta.1+5cc9b6e can be provided to uplift on an adhoc basis. Prerelease support isn't offered through configuration and must be provided explicitly using the --prerelease flag:

uplift tag --prerelease beta.1+5cc9b6e

Uplift commands that support the --prerelease flag are: tag, bump and release.


Based on the latest commit, the repository will be tagged with the next semantic version.

$ uplift tag

  • latest commit
      • retrieved latest commit   author=joe.bloggs email=joe.bloggs@example.com message=feat: new feature
   • current version
      • identified version        current=0.1.2
   • next version
      • identified next version   commit=feat: new feature current=0.1.2 next=0.2.0
   • next commit
      • changes will be committed with email=joe.bloggs@example.com message=ci(uplift): uplifted for version 0.2.0 name=joe.bloggs
   • git tag
      • identified next tag       tag=0.2.0
      • tagged repository with standard tag

Next Tag Only

Identify the next tag without tagging a repository by using the --next flag:

$ uplift tag --next --silent

File Bumping

When configured, the version within any file in a git repository can be bumped to the next semantic version. The version is identified by inspecting the latest commit.

$ uplift bump

  • latest commit
      • retrieved latest commit   author=joe.bloggs email=joe.bloggs@example.com message=feat: new feature
   • current version
      • identified version        current=1.0.0
   • next version
      • identified next version   commit=feat: new feature current=1.0.0 next=1.1.0
   • next commit
      • changes will be committed with email=joe.bloggs@example.com message=ci(uplift): uplifted for version 1.1.0 name=joe.bloggs
   • bump
      • file bumped               current=1.0.0 file=chart/test/Chart.yaml next=1.1.0
      • successfully staged file  file=chart/test/Chart.yaml
   • git push
      • commit outstanding changes
      • push commit to remote


A changelog can be generated for the latest tagged semantic release and written to a CHANGELOG.md file. File will be created if one doesn't exist. Format is based on Keep a Changelog.

$ uplift changelog

   • latest commit
      • retrieved latest commit   author=joe.bloggs email=joe.bloggs@example.com message=fix: a bug fix
   • next commit
      • changes will be committed with email=paul.t@gembaadvantage.com message=ci(uplift): uplifted for version 1.0.1 name=paul.t
   • changelog
      • determine changes for release tag=1.0.1
      • changeset identified      commits=3 date=2021-11-19 tag=1.0.1
   • git push
      • commit outstanding changes
      • push commit to remote

Diff Only

Output the changelog diff without modifying an existing CHANGELOG.md by using the --diff-only flag:

$ uplift changelog --diff-only --silent
## [1.2.0] - 2021-11-23

1c85055 feat: a brand new feature

Exclude Commits

Commits can be excluded during changelog creation by providing the --exclude flag and specifying a list of prefixes:

uplift changelog --exclude chore,ci,docs


A full semantic release will be carried out. Combining both the bump and tag operations, in that order.

uplift release

Check Release

Check if uplift will carry out a release without running the release workflow:

uplift release --check


Uplift can be configured through the existence of an optional .uplift.yml configuration file in the root of your repository. Other supported variations are: .uplift.yaml, uplift.yml and uplift.yaml.

# An initial version that will be used for the first tag in your repository.
# Tags with a 'v' prefix are supported. You cannot change format after the first tag
# Defaults to 0.1.0
firstVersion: v1.0.0

# Use annotated tags instead of lightweight tags when tagging a version bump. An
# annotated tag is treated like a regular commit and contains both author details
# and a commit message. Uses the same commit message and author details provided
# Defaults to false
annotatedTags: true

# Changes the  default commit message used when committing any staged changes
# Defaults to ci(uplift): uplifted for version $VERSION
commitMessage: "chore: a custom commit message"

# Changes the commit author used when committing any staged changes
  # Name of the author
  # Defaults to the author name within the last commit
  name: "joe.bloggs"

  # Email of the author
  # Defaults to the author email within the last commit
  email: "joe.bloggs@gmail.com"

# A list of files whose version numbers should be bumped and kept in sync with the
# latest calculated repository tag.
# Defaults to an empty list
  - # The path of the file relative to where uplift is executed
    file: ./chart/my-chart/Chart.yaml

    # A regex for matching a version within the file
    regex: "version: $VERSION"

    # If the matched version in the file should be replaced with a semantic version.
    # This will strip any 'v' prefix if needed
    # Defaults to false
    semver: true

    # The number of times any matched version should be replaced
    # Defaults to 0, which replaces all matches
    count: 1

# Customise how the changelog is generated
# Defaults to generating a changelog without any customisations
  # A list of commits to exclude during the creation of a changelog. Provide a list
  # of conventional commit prefixes to filter on
  # Defaults to an empty list
    - chore(deps)
    - docs
    - ci


$VERSION is a placeholder and will match any semantic version, including a version with an optional v prefix.

Transient Tags

Uplift automatically ignores any transient tag when identifying the latest version. This allows multiple tagging conventions to be safely used on your repository. A transient tag, is any tag that is not in the 1.0.0 or v1.0.0 version format.