
Project 2: Instagrid API and AJAX Requests

Primary LanguageCSS

#Project 2: Instagrid

Project 2 for RED Academy Web Development Program.


This webpage pulls Instagram hashtags through API to display a list of recently tagged photos. When the image is hovered, the user information slides up including profile picture, username, likes, and comments. There is a Load More feature which pulls twelve additional photos with each request.

##Tools and Methods

  • Flexbox
  • jQuery
  • Ajax request from Instagram API
  • Responsive design
  • Gulp, SASS, Autoprefixer, Browser-Sync


This project introduced SASS, which I find is a much better way to organize CSS styling. This project was also my first trial of Browser-Sync which is quite a handy developer tool. Using the ajax call was the most useful skill I took from this project.