I am so happy to announce the first release of the k8s-mediaserver-operator, a project that mixes up some of the mainstream tools for your media needs.
The Custom Resource that is implemented, allows you to create a fully working and complete media server on #kubernetes, based on:
Plex Media Server - A complete and fully funtional mediaserver that allows you to render in a webUI your movies, TV Series, podcasts, video streams.
Sonarr - A TV series and show tracker, that allows the integration with download managers for searching and retrieving TV Series, organizing them, schedule notifications when an episode comes up and much more.
Radarr - The same a Sonarr, but for movies!
Jackett - An API interface that keeps easy your life interacting with trackers for torrents.
Transmission - A fast, easy and reliable torrent client.
All the container images used by the operator are from linuxserver - linuxserver.io
I started working on this project because I was tired of using the 'containerized' version with docker/podman-compose, and I wanted to experiment a bit both with helm and operators.
It is quite simple to use, and very minimalistic, with customizations that are strictly related to usability and access, rather than complex customizations, even if, maybe in the future, we could add it!
Each container has its init container in order to initialize configurations on the PV before starting the actual pod and avoid to restart the pods.
The operator and the CR are already configured with some defaults settings to make you jump and go with it.
All you need is:
- A namespace where you want to put your CR and all the pods that will spawn
- Being able to provision an RWX PV where to store configurations, downloads, and all related stuff (suggested > 200GB). PV could be created manually and/or dynamically provisioned.
First install the CRD and the operator:
kubectl apply -f k8s-mediaserver-operator.yml
Then you are good to go with the CR:
kubectl apply -f k8s-mediaserver.yml
In seconds, you will be ready to use your applications!
With default settings, your applications will run in these paths:
The CR is quite simple to configure, and I tried to keep the number of parameters low to avoid confusion, but still letting some customization to fit the resource inside your cluster.
Config path | Meaning | Default |
general.ingress_host | The hostname to use in ingress definition, this will be the hostname where the applications will be exposed | k8s-mediaserver.k8s.test |
general.plex_ingress_host | The hostname to use for PLEX as it must be exposed on a / dedicated path | k8s-plex.k8s.test |
general.pgid | The GID for the process | 1000 |
general.puid | The UID for the process | 1000 |
general.nodeSelector | Node Selector for all the pods | {} |
general.storage.nfs | Specifies if the PV should be configured as a NFS export | false |
general.storage.nfsPath | If PV type is NFS, specifies the path of the export | "" |
general.storage.nfsServer | If PV type is NFS, specifies the server exporting the volume | "" |
general.storage.pvcName | Name of the persistenVolumeClaim configured in deployments | mediaserver-pvc |
general.storage.pvcStorageClass | Specifies a storageClass for the PVC | {} |
general.storage.size | Size of the persistenVolume | 50Gi |
Config path | Meaning | Default |
plex.claim | IMPORTANT Token from your account, needed to claim the server | CHANGEME |
plex.replicaCount | Number of replicas serving plex | 1 |
plex.container.port | The port in use by the container | 32400 |
plex.service.type | The kind of Service (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer) | ClusterIP |
plex.service.port | The port assigned to the service | 32400 |
plex.service.nodePort | In case of service.type NodePort, the nodePort to use | "" |
plex.service.extraLBService | If true, creates an additional LoadBalancer service with '-lb' suffix (requires a cloud provider or metalLB) | false |
plex.ingress.enabled | If true, creates the ingress resource for the application | true |
plex.ingress.annotations | Additional field for annotations, if needed | {} |
plex.ingress.path | The path where the application is exposed | /plex |
plex.ingress.tls.enabled | If true, tls is enabled | false |
plex.ingress.tls.secretName | Name of the secret holding certificates for the secure ingress | "" |
Config path | Meaning | Default |
sonarr.container.port | The port in use by the container | 8989 |
sonarr.service.type | The kind of Service (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer) | ClusterIP |
sonarr.service.port | The port assigned to the service | 8989 |
sonarr.service.nodePort | In case of service.type NodePort, the nodePort to use | "" |
sonarr.service.extraLBService | If true, creates an additional LoadBalancer service with '-lb' suffix (requires a cloud provider or metalLB) | false |
sonarr.ingress.enabled | If true, creates the ingress resource for the application | true |
sonarr.ingress.annotations | Additional field for annotations, if needed | {} |
sonarr.ingress.path | The path where the application is exposed | /sonarr |
sonarr.ingress.tls.enabled | If true, tls is enabled | false |
sonarr.ingress.tls.secretName | Name of the secret holding certificates for the secure ingress | "" |
Config path | Meaning | Default |
radarr.container.port | The port in use by the container | 7878 |
radarr.service.type | The kind of Service (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer) | ClusterIP |
radarr.service.port | The port assigned to the service | 7878 |
radarr.service.nodePort | In case of service.type NodePort, the nodePort to use | "" |
radarr.service.extraLBService | If true, creates an additional LoadBalancer service with '-lb' suffix (requires a cloud provider or metalLB) | false |
radarr.ingress.enabled | If true, creates the ingress resource for the application | true |
radarr.ingress.annotations | Additional field for annotations, if needed | {} |
radarr.ingress.path | The path where the application is exposed | /radarr |
radarr.ingress.tls.enabled | If true, tls is enabled | false |
radarr.ingress.tls.secretName | Name of the secret holding certificates for the secure ingress | "" |
Config path | Meaning | Default |
jackett.container.port | The port in use by the container | 9117 |
jackett.service.type | The kind of Service (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer) | ClusterIP |
jackett.service.port | The port assigned to the service | 9117 |
jackett.service.nodePort | In case of service.type NodePort, the nodePort to use | "" |
jackett.service.extraLBService | If true, it creates an additional LoadBalancer service with '-lb' suffix (requires a cloud provider or metalLB) | false |
jackett.ingress.enabled | If true, creates the ingress resource for the application | true |
jackett.ingress.annotations | Additional field for annotations, if needed | {} |
jackett.ingress.path | The path where the application is exposed | /jackett |
jackett.ingress.tls.enabled | If true, tls is enabled | false |
jackett.ingress.tls.secretName | Name of the secret holding certificates for the secure ingress | "" |
Config path | Meaning | Default |
transmission.container.port | The port in use by the container | 9091 |
transmission.service.type | The kind of Service (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer) | ClusterIP |
transmission.service.port | The port assigned to the service | 9091 |
transmission.service.nodePort | In case of service.type NodePort, the nodePort to use | "" |
transmission.service.extraLBService | If true, creates an additional LoadBalancer service with '-lb' suffix (requires a cloud provider or metalLB) | false |
transmission.ingress.enabled | If true, creates the ingress resource for the application | true |
transmission.ingress.annotations | Additional field for annotations, if needed | {} |
transmission.ingress.path | The path where the application is exposed | /transmission |
transmission.ingress.tls.enabled | If true, tls is enabled | false |
transmission.ingress.tls.secretName | Name of the secret holding certificates for the secure ingress | "" |
This project is intended as an exercise, and absolutely for fun. Don't use it to commit piracy.
Also feel free to contribute and extend it!