This is a MacOS dotfiles repo updated for using ZSH and with an attempt to remove clutter from my system that I don't actually use as much.
To install the dotfiles you will need to have Homebrew available. Install Homebrew using one of the methods described on the project site and continue with these directions.
Once you have installed Homebrew, run the
This setup uses Oh-My-Zsh. Install it with the following command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once that has installed, restart your terminal and then install the PowerLevel 10k Theme for Oh-My-Zsh:
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k
When those files have been downloaded, run the
Note: If you wish to customize the theme for the PS1 prompt, PowerLevel 10K offers many options. You can run p10k configure
or delete the $HOME/.p10k.zsh
file to re-do the theme configuration and experiment with alternative settings. Be sure to save your final preferred configuration by copying the .p10k.zsh
file into this repo after you have made changes. Be sure to install the PowerLevel 10k fonts, too.
Some useful MacOS defaults have been added to
. Run it to install those settings:
Fork this repository and customize the files to your liking. When you have modified the files in the repository, or updated from upstream changes, you can re-run the
script to re-copy the files. Be aware, this will overwrite any changes you have made directly to files in your $HOME
All of the installation commands are idempotent so they can be run again to update with no issues.
Note: The ~/.extra
file will be sourced at runtime, but will never be overwritten by updates.
If you receive an error when using SSH after running the installation scripts about "Bad Configuration," it can be fixed. The error includes:
Bad configuration option: usekeychain
And the fix is to add the IgnoreUnknown
command above the reference to the keychain in your .ssh file:
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
This repository is based largely off the dotfiles repository created by Mathias Bynens.