
Todo app to learn Elm

Primary LanguageHTML

elm todos plus

Todo app written in Elm to teach myself some Elm.


## Description

Project is based on elm-webpack-starter.

### Todo

  • Add more description
  • Add screenshots

## Develop


git clone https://github.com/moarwick/elm-webpack-starter
cd elm-webpack-starter
npm install

If you haven't done so yet, install Elm globally:

npm install -g elm

Install Elm's dependencies:

elm package install

Serve locally:

npm start
  • Access app at http://localhost:8080/
  • Get coding! The entry point file is src/Main.elm
  • Browser will refresh automatically on any file changes..

Build & bundle for prod:

npm run build
  • Files are saved into the /dist folder
  • To check it, open dist/index.html
  • To publish the /dist folder to your own GitHub repo's gh-pages, commit any changes, then:
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
open http://<your-github-account>.github.io/elm-todos-plus/