
A Japanese morphological analysis engine for .NET Core.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A Japanese language morphological analysis engine for .NET Core.


NuGet MeCab.DotNet .NET

Japanese language is here.

What's this?

NOTE: We will merge both MeCab.DotNet and NMeCab in future release. See related issue.

"MeCab" is a Japanese language morphological analysis engine.

"NMeCab" is a re-implementation of MeCab engine on .NET Framework 2.0 managed library, but didn't update long time (looks like suspended...) --> Revived here (GitHub)

"MeCab.DotNet" (this project) is a ported of NMeCab on .NET Core 1/2/3 and .NET Frameworks and packed into NuGet format.

How to use

MeCab.DotNet targetted platforms:

  • .NET 5
  • .NET Core 1/2/3 (Built on .NET Standard 1.3/2.0/2.1)
  • .NET Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5 (3.5 and 4.0 are Client profile, 2.0 doesn't include extension methods)

Changed from NMeCab:

  • Wider .NET platform supporting and deprecated PCL libraries.
  • Changed namespace NMeCab to MeCab.
  • Removed App.config based configuration (You can only use MeCabParam for additional configuration parameters.)
  • Added more usable methods.

Enabling steps:

  1. Install from NuGet named "MeCab.DotNet".
  2. Usually you'll use default dictionary named IPADIC, the package will append dic folder into your project automatically. But have to declare MeCabUseDefaultDictionary property and set value to False inside PropertyGroup in csproj if you wanna use your own dictionary.
  3. Build and run!

First step sample code


using System;
using MeCab;

namespace ConsoleApp
    public static class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var sentence = "行く川のながれは絶えずして、しかももとの水にあらず。";

            var parameter = new MeCabParam();
            var tagger = MeCabTagger.Create(parameter);

            foreach (var node in tagger.ParseToNodes(sentence))
                if (node.CharType > 0)
                    var features = node.Feature.Split(',');
                    var displayFeatures = string.Join(", ", features);



open MeCab

let main argv =
    let sentence = "行く川のながれは絶えずして、しかももとの水にあらず。"

    let parameter = new MeCabParam()
    let tagger = MeCabTagger.Create parameter

    let isCharType (node:MeCabNode) = node.CharType > 0u
        |> tagger.ParseToNodes
        |> Seq.filter isCharType
        |> Seq.iter (fun node ->
            let features = node.Feature.Split ','
            let displayFeatures = System.String.Join(", ", features)
            printfn "%s\t%s" node.Surface displayFeatures)


行く    動詞, 自立, *, *, 五段・カ行促音便, 基本形, 行く, イク, イク
川      名詞, 一般, *, *, *, *, 川, カワ, カワ
の      助詞, 連体化, *, *, *, *, の, ノ, ノ
ながれ  動詞, 自立, *, *, 一段, 連用形, ながれる, ナガレ, ナガレ
は      助詞, 係助詞, *, *, *, *, は, ハ, ワ
絶えず  副詞, 一般, *, *, *, *, 絶えず, タエズ, タエズ
し      動詞, 自立, *, *, サ変・スル, 連用形, する, シ, シ
て      助詞, 接続助詞, *, *, *, *, て, テ, テ
、      記号, 読点, *, *, *, *, 、, 、, 、
しかも  接続詞, *, *, *, *, *, しかも, シカモ, シカモ
もと    名詞, 一般, *, *, *, *, もと, モト, モト
の      助詞, 連体化, *, *, *, *, の, ノ, ノ
水      名詞, 一般, *, *, *, *, 水, ミズ, ミズ
に      助詞, 格助詞, 一般, *, *, *, に, ニ, ニ
あら    動詞, 自立, *, *, 五段・ラ行, 未然形, ある, アラ, アラ
ず      助動詞, *, *, *, 特殊・ヌ, 連用ニ接続, ぬ, ズ, ズ
。      記号, 句点, *, *, *, *, 。, 。, 。


Under GPL2, LGPL2.1 derived from NMeCab project.