Notable Swedes
Kerstin mentioned in a seminar today that it would be interesting to look at where people were born in Sweden over time. The context is a paper about locational amenities that come from agglomeration.
It would be interesting to see if more of the notable people in one category are born in the big cities today compared to the past. We can start with Sweden and then go a bit more broad.
This links to Raj Chetty's idea about
My basic idea is to get a dataframe of notable swedes that has their birthdates, birth places, occupations and maybe alma mater so that we can see how different fields have more people born in cities / how this has evolved over time.
A second fun idea would be to look at the number of marriages among different professions - do actors and actresses have a disproportionately high number of marriages? Other things could be age of first marriage, gap between men and women, etc.
Idea - look at Wikipedia and get the list of notable swedes - then go to Wikidata and get the information about them in a nice structured format.