
The new (and simple) admin generator for Symfony applications.

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EasyAdmin creates Symfony Backends

EasyAdmin lets you create administration backends for Symfony applications with unprecedented simplicity.


  • CRUD operations on Doctrine entities (create, edit, list, delete).
  • Full-text search, pagination and column sorting.
  • Fully responsive design with four break points.
  • Fast, simple and smart where appropriate.


  • Symfony 2.3+ applications (Silex not supported).
  • Doctrine ORM entities (Doctrine ODM and Propel not supported).
  • Entities with simple primary keys (composite keys not supported).
  • All kinds of entity associations are supported, except many-to-many.
  • Entities using inheritance are not supported.


In order to install EasyAdmin you have to edit two files and execute two console commands, as explained in the following steps.

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require javiereguiluz/easyadmin-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding the following line in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new JavierEguiluz\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\EasyAdminBundle(),

    // ...

Step 3: Load the Routes of the Bundle

Open your main routing configuration file (usually app/config/routing.yml) and add the following four lines at the very beginning of it:

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@EasyAdminBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /admin

# ...

Step 4: Prepare the Web Assets of the Bundle

This bundles includes several CSS, JavaScript and font files used to display its interface. In order to add those files to your application, execute the following command:

php app/console assets:install --symlink

That's it! Now everything is ready to create your first admin backend.

Your First Backend

In order to create your first backend, you have to edit just one file. The entire process will take you around 30 seconds.

Assuming that you already have defined three Doctrine ORM entities called Customer, Order and Product, open your main application configuration file (usually app/config/config.yml) and add the following configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
        - AppBundle\Entity\Customer
        - AppBundle\Entity\Order
        - AppBundle\Entity\Product

Congratulations! You've just created your first fully-featured backend! Browse the /admin URL in your Symfony application and you'll get access to the admin backend:

Default listing interface

EasyAdmin doesn't generate any code, not even for the templates. All resources are served on-the-fly to ensure an exceptional developer experience.

Without any further configuration, EasyAdmin guesses the best settings to make your admin backend look "good enough". This may be acceptable for simple backends and rapid prototypes, but most of the times, you need to customize some parts of the backend. Keep reading to learn how to do it.

Custom Backends

Customize the URL Prefix Used to Access the Backend

By default, your backend will be accessible at the /admin URI of your Symfony application. This value is defined in the prefix option used when loading the routes of the bundle. You are free to change its value to meet your own backend requirements:

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@EasyAdminBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /_secret_backend  # <-- change this value

# ...

Customize the Order of the Main Menu Items

Main menu items follow the same order of the entities defined in the admin configuration file. So you just have to reorder the list of entities to reorder the main menu elements.

Customize the Label of the Main Menu Items

By default, main menu items are called after the entities that they represent. You can define a custom label for each menu item using this alternative configuration format:

# app/config/config.yml
        Clients: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
        Orders: AppBundle\Entity\Order
        Inventory: AppBundle\Entity\Product

The keys defined under the entities key (in this case, Clients, Orders and Inventory) will be used as the labels of the main menu items. If the keys include white spaces or any reserved YAML character, enclose them with quotes:

# app/config/config.yml
        'Active Clients': AppBundle\Entity\Customer
        'Pending Orders': AppBundle\Entity\Order
        'Inventory (2015)': AppBundle\Entity\Product

Customize the Name of the Backend

By default, the backend will display Easy Admin as its name. Use the site_name option to change this value:

# app/config/config.yml
    site_name: 'ACME Megacorp.'
    # ...

Companies and organizations needs can be so different, that the contents of this option are not restricted. In fact, the contents are displayed with the raw Twig filter. This means that you can use any HTML markup to display the name exactly as you are required:

# app/config/config.yml
    site_name: 'ACME <em style="font-size: 80%; color: yellow">Megacorp.</em>'
    # ...

If you want to display an image of your logo, use an <img> HTML element as the site name. The following example would show the beautiful Symfony logo as the name of your backend:

# app/config/config.yml
    site_name: '<img src="http://symfony.com/logos/symfony_white_01.png" />'
    # ...

Customize the Number of Items Displayed in Listings

By default, listings display a maximum of 15 items. Define the list_max_results option to change this value:

# app/config/config.yml
    list_max_results: 30
    # ...

Customize the Actions Displayed for Each Listing Item

By default, listings just display the Edit action for each item. If you also want to add the popular Show action, define the list_actions option:

# app/config/config.yml
    list_actions: ['edit', 'show']
    # ...

In the current version of EasyAdmin you cannot define custom actions.

Customize the Labels of the Columns Displayed in Listings

By default, listing column labels are a "humanized" version of the original name of the related Doctrine entity property. If your property is called published, the column label will be Published and if your property is called dateOfBirth, the column label will be Date of birth.

In case you want to define a custom label for one or all columns, just use the following expanded configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }]
    # ...

Instead of using a string to define the name of the property (e.g. email) you have to define a hash with the name of the property (property: 'email') and the custom label you want to display (label: 'Contact').

If your listings contain lots of properties and most of them define their own custom label, consider using the alternative YAML syntax for sequences to improve the legibility of your backend configuration. The following example is equivalent to the above example:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - 'id'
                    - 'name'
                    - { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
    # ...

Customize the Columns Displayed in Listings

By default, the backend makes some "smart guesses" to decide which columns to display in each entity listing to make it look "good enough". If you want to override this behavior for some entity, define the fields to show using the list option as follows:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Please note that defining the list option (or any of the other options explained in the sections below) requires you to also add the class option to indicate the PHP class associated with the entity.

In other words, the following configuration IS NOT VALID and it will result in application errors:

# app/config/config.yml
        # THIS CONFIGURATION IS NOT VALID. Use the configuration showed above
        Customer: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Virtual Entity Fields

Sometimes, it's useful to include in listings values which are not entity properties. For example, if your Customer entity defines firstName and lastName properties, you may want to just display a column called Name with both information merged. These columns are called virtual fields because they don't really exist as real Doctrine entity fields.

First, add this new virtual field to the entity configuration:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

If you reload the backend, you'll see that the virtual field only displays Inaccessible as its value. The reason is that virtual field name does not match any of the entity's properties. To fix this issue, add a new public method in your entity called getXxx() or xxx(), where xxx is the name of the virtual field (in this case the field is called name, so the method must be called getName() or name()):

namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity
class Customer
    // ...

    public function getName()
        return $this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName();

That's it. Reload your backend and now you'll see the real values of this virtual field. By default, virtual fields are displayed as text contents. If your virtual field is a boolean value or a date, define its time using the type option:

# in this example, the virtual fields 'is_eligible' and 'last_contact' will
# be considered strings, even if they return boolean and DateTime values
# respectively
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'is_eligible', 'last_contact']
    # ...

# in this example, the virtual fields 'is_eligible' and 'last_contact' will
# be displayed as a boolean and a DateTime value respectively
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - 'id'
                    - { property: 'is_eligible', type: 'boolean' }
                    - { property: 'last_contact', type: 'datetime' }
    # ...

The only current limitation of virtual fields is that you cannot reorder listings using these fields.

Customize the Format of the Dates and Numbers Displayed in Listings

By default, these are the formats applied to date related fields (read the date configuration options PHP manual page in case you don't know the meaning of these options):

  • date: Y-m-d
  • time: H:i:s
  • datetime: F j, Y H:i

EasyAdmin lets you configure your own date formats in two ways: default formats for all fields of all entities and custom format for each entity field. The default formats are defined in the global formats option (define any or all the date, time and datetime options):

        date:     'd/m/Y'
        time:     'H:i'
        datetime: 'd/m/Y H:i:s'
        # ...

The value of the format option is directly applied to the format() method of the DateTime class, so you can use any of the date configuration options defined by PHP.

In order to define the date/time format explicitly for a given entity field, use the format option for that specific field:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - { property: 'dateOfBirth', format: 'j/n/Y' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Meanwhile, number related fields (bigint, integer, smallint, decimal, float) are displayed using the appropriate formatting for the locale of the Symfony application. Again, you can use the format option to explicitly set the format to use for numeric fields.

Use the global formats option to apply the same formatting for all numeric values:

        # ...
        number: '%.2f'
        # ...

In this case, the value of the format option is applied directly to the sprintf() function, so you can use any of its format specifiers.

In order to define the number format explicitly for a given entity field, use the format option for that specific field:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'serialNumber', format: '%010s' }
                    - { property: 'margin', format: '%01.2f' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The format option of an entity field always overrides the value of the global format option.

Customize which Fields are Displayed in the Show Action

By default, the show action displays all the entity fields and their values. Use the fields option under the show key to restrict the fields to display:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'secondName', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Customize the Order of the Fields Displayed in the Show Action

By default, the show action displays the entity properties in the same order as they were defined in the associated entity class. You could customize the show action contents just by reordering the entity properties, but it's more convenient to just define the order using the fields option of the show option:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'phone', 'email', 'firstName', 'secondName']
    # ...

Customize the Labels of the Values Displayed in the Show Action

By default, show action labels are a "humanized" version of the original name of the related Doctrine entity property. If your property is called published, the label will be Published and if your property is called dateOfBirth, the label will be Date of birth.

In case you want to define a custom label for one or all properties, just use the following expanded configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }]
    # ...

Instead of using a string to define the name of the property (e.g. email) you have to define a hash with the name of the property (property: 'email') and the custom label you want to display (label: 'Contact').

Customize which Fields are Displayed in Forms

By default, the forms used to create and edit entities display all their properties. Customize any of these forms for any of your entities using the new and edit options:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['firstName', 'secondName', 'phone', 'email']
                fields: ['firstName', 'secondName', 'phone', 'email', 'creditLimit']
    # ...

If any of the fields is an association with another entity, the form will display it as a <select> list. The values displayed in this list will be the values returned by the special __toString() method. Define this method in all your entities to avoid errors and to define the textual representation of the entity.

Customize the Order of the Fields Displayed in Forms

By default, forms show their fields in the same order as they were defined in the associated entities. You could customize the fields order just by reordering the entity properties, but it's more convenient to just define the order using the fields option of the new and edit options:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['firstName', 'secondName', 'phone', 'email']
                fields: ['firstName', 'secondName', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Customize the Fields Displayed in Forms

By default, all form fields are displayed with the same visual style, they don't show any help message, and their label and field type are inferred from their associated Doctrine property.

In case you want to customize any or all form fields, use the extended form field configuration showed below:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - 'id'
                    - { property: 'email', type: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
                    - { property: 'code', type: 'number', label: 'Customer Code', class: 'input-lg' }
                    - { property: 'notes', help: 'Use this field to add private notes and comments about the client' }
                    - { property: 'zone', type: 'country' }
    # ...

These are the options that you can define for form fields:

  • property: it's the name of the associated Doctrine entity property. It can be a real property or a "virtual property" based on an entity method. This is the only mandatory option.
  • type: it's the type of form field that will be displayed. If you don't specify a type, EasyAdmin will guess the best type for it. For now, you can only use any of the valid Symfony Form Types.
  • label: it's the title that will be displayed for the form field. The default title is the "humanized" version of the property name.
  • help: it's the help message that will be displayed below the form field.
  • class: it's the CSS class that will be applied to the form field widget. For example, to display a big input field, use the Bootstrap 3 class called input-lg.

Even if you can define different options for the fields used in the new and edit action, most of the times they will be exactly the same. If that's your case, define the options in the special form action instead of duplicating the new and edit configuration:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
            form:  # <-- 'form' is applied to both 'new' and 'edit' actions
                    - 'id'
                    - { property: 'email', type: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
                    # ...
    # ...

If new or edit options are defined, they will always be used, regardless of the form option. In other words, form and new/edit are mutually exclusive options.

Adding Custom Doctrine Types to Forms

When your application defines custom Doctrine DBAL types, you must define a related custom form type before using them as form fields. Imagine that your application defines a UTCDateTime type to convert the timezone of datetime values to UTC before saving them in the database.

If you add that type in a form field as follows, you'll get an error message saying that the utcdatetime type couldn't be loaded:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - { property: 'createdAt', type: 'utcdatetime' }
                    # ...
    # ...

This problem is solved defining a custom utcdatetime Form Type related to this custom Doctrine DBAL type. Read the How to Create a Custom Form Field Type article of the official Symfony documentation to learn how to define custom form types.

Customize the Visual Design of the Backend

The current version of EasyAdmin doesn't support the concept of themes, but you can fully customize its design using CSS and JavaScript files. Define the assets option to load your own web assets:

            - 'bundles/app/css/admin1.css'
            - 'bundles/acmedemo/css/admin2.css'
            - 'bundles/app/js/admin1.js'
            - 'bundles/acmedemo/js/admin2.js'
    # ...

EasyAdmin supports any kind of web asset (internal, external, relative and absolute) and links to them accordingly:

            # HTTP protocol-relative URL
            - '//example.org/css/admin1.css'
            # absolute non-secure URL
            - 'http://example.org/css/admin2.css'
            # absolute secure URL
            - 'https://example.org/css/admin3.css'
            # absolute internal bundle URL
            - '/bundles/acmedemo/css/admin4.css'
            # relative internal bundle URL
            - 'bundles/app/css/admin5.css'
            # this option works exactly the same as the 'css' option
            - '//example.org/js/admin1.js'
            - 'http://example.org/js/admin2.js'
            - 'https://example.org/js/admin3.js'
            - '/bundles/acmedemo/js/admin4.js'
            - 'bundles/app/js/admin5.js'
    # ...

Unloading the Default JavaScript and Stylesheets

Backend templates use Bootstrap CSS and jQuery frameworks to display their contents. In case you want to unload these files in addition to loading your own assets, override the value of the head_stylesheets and body_javascripts template blocks.

To do so, you'll have to create your own templates and override default ones, as explained in the next section.

Customize the Templates of the Backend

In addition to loading your own stylesheets and scripts, you can also override the templates used to build the backend interface. To do so, follow the well- known Symfony bundle inheritance mechanism.

The most important templates used by EasyAdmin are the following:

  • layout.html.twig
  • new.html.twig
  • show.html.twig
  • edit.html.twig
  • list.html.twig
  • _list_paginator.html.twig
  • _flashes.html.twig

Suppose you want to modify the paginator displayed at the bottom of each listing. This element is built with the _list_paginator.html.twig template, so you have to create the following new template to override it:

├─ app/
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ Resources/
│     └─ EasyAdminBundle/
│        └─ views/
│           └─ _list_paginator.html.twig
├─ src/
├─ vendor/
└─ web/

Be careful to use those exact folder and file names. If you do, the backend will use your template instead of the default one. Please note that when adding a template in a new location, you may need to clear your cache (with the command php app/console cache:clear), even if you are in debug mode.

Customize the Actions Used to Create and Edit Entities

By default, new and edited entities are persisted without any further modification. In case you want to manipulate the entity before persisting it, you can override the methods used by EasyAdmin.

Similarly to customizing templates, you need to use the Symfony bundle inheritance mechanism to override the controller used to generate the backend. Among many other methods, this controller contains two methods which are called just before the entity is persisted:

protected function prepareEditEntityForPersist($entity)
    return $entity;

protected function prepareNewEntityForPersist($entity)
    return $entity;

Suppose you want to automatically set the slug of some entity called Article whenever the entity is persisted. First, create a new controller inside any of your own bundles. Make this controller extend the AdminController provided by EasyAdmin and include, at least, the following contents:

// src/AppBundle/Controller/AdminController.php
namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use JavierEguiluz\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController as EasyAdminController;

class AdminController extends EasyAdminController
     * @Route("/admin/", name="admin")
    public function indexAction(Request $request)
        return parent::indexAction($request);

Now you can add in this new controller any of the original controller's methods to override them. Let's add prepareEditEntityForPersist() and prepareNewEntityForPersist() to set the slug of the Article entity:

// src/AppBundle/Controller/AdminController.php
namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use JavierEguiluz\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController as EasyAdminController;
use AppBundle\Entity\Article;

class AdminController extends EasyAdminController
     * @Route("/admin/", name="admin")
    public function indexAction(Request $request)
        return parent::indexAction($request);

    protected function prepareEditEntityForPersist($entity)
        if ($entity instanceof Article) {
            return $this->updateSlug($entity);
    protected function prepareNewEntityForPersist($entity)
        if ($entity instanceof Article) {
            return $this->updateSlug($entity);

    private function updateSlug($entity)
        $slug = $this->get('app.slugger')->slugify($entity->getTitle());

        return $entity;

The example above is trivial, but your custom admin controller can be as complex as needed. In fact, you can override any of the original controller's methods to customize the backend as much as you need.

Advanced Customization of the Fields Displayed in Forms

The previous sections showed how to tweak the fields displayed in the edit and new forms using some simple options. When the field customization is more deep, you should override the configureEditForm() method in your own admin controller.

In this example, the form of the Event entity is tweaked to change the regular city field by a choice form field with custom and limited choices:

// src/AppBundle/Controller/AdminController.php
namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use JavierEguiluz\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController as EasyAdminController;
use AppBundle\Entity\Event;

class AdminController extends EasyAdminController
     * @Route("/admin/", name="admin")
    public function indexAction(Request $request)
        return parent::indexAction($request);

    public function createEditForm($entity, array $entityProperties)
        $editForm = parent::createEditForm($entity, $entityProperties);

        if ($entity instanceof Event) {
            // the trick is to remove the default field and then
            // add the customized field
            $editForm->add('city', 'choice', array('choices' => array(
                'London', 'New York', 'Paris', 'Tokyo'

        return $editForm;

Customize the Translation of the Backend Interface

The interface of the backend is pretty minimal, but it includes several text contents in the form of buttons, titles and links. These contents are displayed in the same language as the default locale configured in the Symfony application. The locale option value is usually configured in the app/config/parameters.yml file.

The current version of EasyAdmin is translated into English (en), Spanish (es), French (fr), Russian (ru), Polish (pl), Dutch (nl) and Basque (eu). We're actively looking for more translations contributed by the community.

Customize the Security of the Backend Interface

EasyAdmin relies on the built-in Symfony security features to restrict the access to the backend. In case you need it, checkout the Security Chapter of the official Symfony documentation to learn how to restrict the access to the backend section of your application.

In addition, when accessing a protected backend, EasyAdmin will display the name of user who is logged in the application.

Configuration Reference

Depending on the complexity and the customization of your backend, you can use different configuration formats.

Simple Configuration with No Custom Labels

This is the simplest configuration and is best used to create a prototype in a few seconds. Just list the classes of the entities to manage in the backend:

        - AppBundle\Entity\Customer
        - AppBundle\Entity\Product

Simple Configuration with Custom Labels

This configuration format allows to set the labels displayed in the main menu of the backend. Just list the entities but use a text-based key for each entity:

        Customer:  AppBundle\Entity\Customer
        Inventory: AppBundle\Entity\Product

Advanced Configuration with no Field Configuration

This configuration format allows to control which fields, and in which order, are shown in the listings and in the forms. Just use the list, edit and new options and define the fields to display in the fields option:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'email']
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                fields: ['id', 'code', 'description', 'price']
                fields: ['code', 'description', 'price', 'category']
                fields: ['code', 'description', 'price', 'category']

If the edit and new configuration is the same, use instead the special form option, which will be applied to both of them:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'email']
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                fields: ['id', 'code', 'description', 'price']
                fields: ['code', 'description', 'price', 'category']

Advanced Configuration with Custom Field Configuration

This is the most advanced configuration format and it allows you to control the type, style, help message and label displayed for each field. Customize any field just by replacing its name with a hash with its properties:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', { property: 'email', label: 'Contact Info' }]
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                fields: ['id', 'code', 'description', 'price']
                    - { property: 'code', help: 'Alphanumeric characters only' }
                    - { property: 'description', type: 'textarea' }
                    - { property: 'price', type: 'number', class: 'input-lg' }
                    - { property: 'category', label: 'Commercial Category' }

Combining Different Configuration Formats

The previous configuration formats can also be combined. This is useful to use the default configuration when it's convenient and to customize it when needed:

        Customer:  AppBundle\Entity\Customer
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                fields: ['id', 'code', 'description', 'price']
                    - { property: 'code', help: 'Alphanumeric characters only' }
                    - { property: 'description', type: 'textarea' }
                    - { property: 'price', type: 'number', class: 'input-lg' }
                    - { property: 'category', label: 'Commercial Category' }

Advanced Techniques for Complex Backends

Better Organizing Backend Configuration

The recommended way to start configuring your backend is to use the app/config/config.yml file and put your configuration under the easy_admin key. However, for large backends this configuration can be very long.

In those cases, it's better to create a new app/config/admin.yml file to define all the configuration related to the backend and then, import that file from the general config.yml file:

# app/config/config.yml
    - { resource: parameters.yml }
    - { resource: security.yml }
    - { resource: services.yml }
    - { resource: admin.yml }  # <-- add this line

# app/config/admin.yml
    # ...
    # copy all the configuration originally defined in config.yml
    # ...

Improving Backend Performance

EasyAdmin does an intense use of Doctrine metadata instrospection to generate the backend on the fly without generating any file or resource. For complex backends, this process can add a noticeable performance overhead.

Fortunately, Doctrine provides a simple caching mechanism for entity metadata. If your server has APC installed, enable this cache just by adding the following configuration:

# app/config/config_prod.yml
        metadata_cache_driver: apc

In addition to apc, Doctrine metadata cache supports memcache, memcached, xcache and service (for using a custom cache service). Read the documentation about Doctrine caching drivers.

Note that the previous example configures metadata caching in config_prod.yml file, which is the configuration used for the production environment. It's not recommended to enable this cache in the development environment to avoid having to clear APC cache or restart the web server whenever you make any change to your Doctrine entities.

This simple metadata cache configuration can improve your backend performance between 20% and 30% depending on the complexity and number of your entities.

About this project

The main author of this bundle works for SensioLabs, the company behind the Symfony framework. However, this bundle is not promoted, endorsed or sponsored by SensioLabs in any way. This is not the official Symfony admin generator.

Our philosophy

EasyAdmin is an open source project with a very opinionated development. We don't make decisions by committee and we're not afraid to refuse the feature requests proposed by our users.

We are a very young project and therefore, our resources and community are still very limited. In order to survive as a project, we must focus on as few features as possible and we must keep the original vision of the project.

These are some of our development principles:

  • Developers and backend users are our priorities. We'll always prioritize UX (user experience) and DX (developer experience) over code purity.
  • Backend customization is balanced between configuration options and code. We'll add new options when they are easy and make sense. Otherwise, we'll provide code extension points.
  • Features will only be added if they are useful for a majority of users and they don't overcomplicate the application code.
  • Documentation is more important than code. Everything must be documented and documentation must be always up-to-date.

Our roadmap

Our short-term roadmap of features that will be added soon is available in the list of project issues.

Long-term roadmap

These are the features that we'll implement in the future when we find a generic and simple way to do it:

  • Complete Doctrine association support (all kinds of associations: one-to- one, including self-referencing, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many)
  • Allow to configure the main color used in the backend (to match the company's brand color)
  • Nested main menu items (two-level only)
  • Support for exporting the list or search results to CSV and/or Excel
  • Full theme support (not just changing the main color of the backend)
  • FOSUserBundle integration
  • Form field grouping
  • Custom actions for list/search records (in addition to the default edit and show actions).

Features that we'll never implement

From time to time we review the list of features requested by users. This means that some of the following features may be included in EasyAdmin sometime in the future. However, it's safe to consider that they'll never be implemented:

  • Support for Symfony-based applications built without the Symfony full- stack framework (Silex, Laravel, custom Symfony developments, etc.)
  • Support for anything different from Doctrine ORM (Propel, Doctrine ODM, etc.)
  • Support for fine-grained security control over entity actions (instead, use Symfony's built-in security features, such as voters or ACLs).
  • Dashboards for backend homepages (with widgets, charts, etc.)
  • Breadcrumbs that show the hierarchical navigation to the given page.
  • Batch actions to apply the same action to more than one list record simultaneously.
  • CMS-like features.
  • Assetic or frontend-tools-based (gulp, grunt, bower) asset processing.
  • Support for AngularJS or any other JavaScript-based client-side technology.

How to Collaborate in this Project

1. Ideas, Feature Requests, Issues, Bug Reports and Comments (positive or negative) are more than welcome.

2. Unsolicited Pull Requests are currently not accepted.

EasyAdmin is a very young project. In order to protect the original vision of the project, we don't accept unsolicited Pull Requests. This decision will of course be revised in the near term, once we fully realize how the project is being used and what do users expect from us.

Alternative Projects

EasyAdmin deliberately discards the most complex and customized backends, focusing on the simplest 80% of the backend projects. In case you encounter an unavoidable limitation to develop your backend with EasyAdmin, consider using any of the following alternative admin generators:

  • AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle, a project similar to EasyAdmin and based on YAML configuration files. It provides support for Propel, Doctrine ORM and Doctrine ODM models.
  • SonataAdminBundle, the most advanced and most customizable admin generator for Symfony applications. There's nothing you can't do with Sonata.
  • ng-admin, an AngularJS-based admin generator compatible with any Symfony project that provides a RESTFul API.


This software is published under the MIT License, which states that:


EasyAdmin, the missing admin generator for Symfony applications.