Some software projects involve the front end handling a large amount of unknown, dynamic and inter-related data, often retrieved from a remote source. Heres what I mean, taking a User
as an example..
meaning, the front end might get a lot ofUser
meaning, it has no idea how many or whatUser
s it will getInter-related
s might be related to other data, for example your software might letUser
be friends with each other.Dynamic
meaning, theUser
s and their relationship might change over time. A newUser
might show up, or, two existingUser
s might become friends with each other during or between run times.
Projects like this need a centralized single source of truth for all this data, so so that your data can be represented the same across the entire software. Indeed, thats exactly what a relational database is.
import Db exposing (Db)
type alias Model =
{ users : Db User }
import Db exposing (Db)
import Id exposing (Id)
type alias Model =
{ threads : Db Thread
, posts : Db Post
type alias Thread =
{ title : String
, posts : List (Id Post)
type alias Post =
{ author : String
, content : String
-- ..
threadView : Db Post -> (Id Thread, Thread) -> Html Msg
threadView postsDb (threadId, thread) =
posts : List (Html Msg)
posts =
|> Db.getMany postsDb
|> Db.filterMissing
|> postView
Html.div [ css [ threadStyle ] ]
(Html.p [] [ Html.text thread.title ] :: posts)
postView : (Id Post, Post) -> Html Msg
postView (id, post) =
[ Attrs.css [ postStyle ] ]
[ Html.p
[ Html.text ]
, Html.p
[ Event.onClick (ReplyToPostClicked id) ]
[ Html.text post.content ]