
There's a relevant xkcd-for-that-bot!

Primary LanguageElm

xkcd for that bot

Build Status Telegram @xkcdForThatBot

There's a relevant xkcd-for-that-bot! It helps you find relevant xkcd comics in Telegram.

The bot is available as @xkcdForThatBot.

Original Bot

The original bot by GingerPlusPlus is the inspiration for this bot. Its code is available on GitHub.


Quick start:

npm install
npm start


While the build is run automatically on install, you can also run it manually.

npm run build:prod

This will build the bot for production, which entails compiling the Elm code and then the TypeScript code. The generated JavaScript code sits in dist/.


After building the project, it can be run with

npm start

This executes the entry file dist/index.js.


npm run launch:dev

This will run the bot directly from the TypeScript files and disable webhooks, instead using polling. No need for an extra compilation step or setting up the server for webhooks.

npm run launch:prod

This will compile and start the bot, close to what npm install && npm start would do. Use this to reproduce the server environment more closely.