
An inventory management web app written in Elixir Phoenix framework (inspired by PartKeepr)

Primary LanguageElixir


An inventory management web app written in Elixir Phoenix framework (inspired by PartKeepr)


Docker Compose (recommended)

  1. install docker-compose and elixir and Phoenix framework
  2. git clone https://gitlab.com/j-mcavoy/tory.git
  3. cd tory
  4. change PORT, DB_PASSWORD, SECRET_KEY_BASE in .env to your liking
  5. docker-compose up -d
  6. Then go to localhost:${PORT} in your web browser (http://localhost:80 by default)


  1. install docker-compose and elixir and Phoenix framework

  2. git clone https://gitlab.com/j-mcavoy/tory.git
    cd tory/webserver
    docker-compose up -d db
    mix deps.get
    mix ecto.setup
    iex -S mix phx.server
  3. go to http://localhost:4000/ in your web browser