commsim: spatial community clustering simulation
This program simulates spatial community assembly for use in downstream community clustering and SDM-type algorithms (e.g., Maxent or Bayesian logistic regression)
Model assumptions:
- assemblages are composed of species with overlapping geographic ranges.
- a species potential niche represents its abiotic constraints (n-dimensional).
- a species realized niche is a subset of its potential niche due to competition.
- a species geographic range is bounded by its realized niche, but with dispersal limits.
Model features:
- a geographic area matrix (n x m).
- a complete float matrix of environmental data (nvariables x n x m)
- a sparse binary matrix of observed species occurrences (nspecies x n x m).
Model goals:
- jointly infer:
- species occurrence covariance matrix (n**2)
- species niche thresholds (nvar * n)
- species geographic center of origin (n)
- species decay parameters (n)
- total: 2n + n * nvar + n**2
- Use inferred parameters for posterior predictive fit to sparse occurrence data.
- Use inferred parameters to interpolate species across unsampled grid cells.
- jointly infer:
Inference methods:
- Gaussian Processes to infer covariance matrix from occurrences + env variables.
- Logistic Regression to infer decay parameters and origin.
- Performed together in Pymc3 Bayesian model.
Generative data:
- Generate environment.
- Get species potential niche.
- Get species realized niche (geographic range) by comp. exclusion