
Files for the Global Power of Botany course at Barnard College, Spring 2019

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Global Power of Botany

This is an overview of the programming resources you will need for the Spring 2019 Global Power of Botany course at Barnard College.

Getting Started with...


Install R from https://cran.r-project.org/ Download RStudio Desktrop (FREE) from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download

There are an overwhelming number of online tutorials for people new to the R programming language. We encourage you to keep it simple and go or for the basics.

Alternatively, type these commands in your RStudio Console:



and explore these tutorials within RStudio.

For a great introduction to RStudio, go here. Whether or not you’re new to RStudio, this guide gives you a great sense of the shortcuts and options you have to help with your assignments.


Creating readable code and collaborating with others is an important programming skill. GitHub is a popular, free, open-source site that helps you keep track of different versions of files and share them with collaborators (fellow students, colleagues, etc). You will need to create a GitHub account for this class as most coding assignments will be submitted in this way.

Go to https://github.com/ to create a new account Select the “Unlimited republic repositories for free” option and skip any surveys Complete the GitHub start guide; you should receive a prompt for this after signing up, but in case you don’t see it, go here: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/ Finally, for a relatively quick and comprehensive tutorial about git (the program GitHub is based on), go to https://try.github.io/, click on “Git-It”, and follow the instructions. If you scroll all the way up on the “Git-It” page, you’ll see that it is itself a file in a git repository stored on GitHub! Hopefully this will give you an idea of what GitHub is used for/capable of doing.

If you’re interested in learning more about git and GitHub, read the online Git Pro book or go to https://guides.github.com/.


Markdown is a simple text editor language that we will use to format our code-based assignments for this class. For a simple introduction, follow this tutorial: https://www.markdowntutorial.com/

For a good side-by-side (markdown → code) view, practice here: https://stackedit.io/app#

If any of this is confusing/intimidating, that’s completely normal. Programming has a steep learning curve. Be patient with yourself, stick with it, and know that we’re available and happy to help.