
This gem parses BAI2 files that we receive from a bank.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This library implements the Bai2 standard, as per its official specification.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bai2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bai2


BaiFile is the main class in gem.

# Parse a file:
file = Bai2::BaiFile.parse('file.bai2')
# Parse data:
file = Bai2::BaiFile.new(string_data)

puts file.sender, file.receiver

# e.g. filter for groups relevant to your organization, iterate:
file.groups.filter {|g| g.destination == YourOrgId }.each do |group|

  # groups have accounts
  group.accounts.each do |account|

    puts account.customer, account.currency_code

    # summaries are arrays of hashes
    puts account.summaries.inspect

    # accounts have transactions

    # e.g. print all debits
    account.transactions.filter(&:debit?).each do |debit|

      # transactions have string amounts, too
      puts debit.amount

      # transaction types are represented by an informative hash:
      puts debit.type
      # => {
      #  code:        451,
      #  transaction: :debit,
      #  scope:       :detail,
      #  description: "ACH Debit Received",
      # }

      puts debit.text

    # e.g. print sum of all credits
    sum = account.transactions \
      .filter(&:credit?) \
      .map(&:amount) \
      .map {|a| BigDecimal(a) } \
    puts sum.inspect



Bai2::BaiFile.parse and Bai2::BaiFile.new accept an optional second parameter, options.

  • options[:account_control_ignores_summary_amounts] (Boolean, Default: False) See Caveats below. Optionally ignores the amounts in the account summary fields when calculating the account control checksum. This value should be set only if you know that your bank uses this nonstandard calculation for account control values.

  • options[:num_account_summary_continuation_records] (Integer, Default: 0) The number of continuation records the account summary.

  • options[:continuations_slash_delimit_end_of_line_only] (Boolean, Default: False) This allows continuation records to begin with 88,\ and still have the text including the slash to be processed.

                  account_control_ignores_summary_amounts: true,
                  num_account_summary_continuation_records: 3)


In lib/bai2/integrity.rb, we perform integrity checks mandated by the Bai2 standard. In our experience, the spec and bank’s real implementations differ on how sums are calculated. It’s hard to tell if this an industry-wide trend, or just an SVB quirk. I would love to hear how other banks do this. GitHub Issues with more information on this would be greatly appreciated.

# Some banks differ from the spec (*cough* SVB) and do not include
# the summary amounts in the control amount.
actual_sum = if options[:account_control_ignores_summary_amounts]
               transaction_amounts_sum + summary_amounts_sum


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/venturehacks/bai2/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request