
South African Shapefiles, GIS data and other useful mapping stuff

SA Maps

South African Shapefiles, GIS data and other useful mapping stuff



Source: http://www.demarcation.org.za/

Local Municipalities


Source: http://www.demarcation.org.za/



Source: http://www.demarcation.org.za/



Source: http://www.demarcation.org.za/

Voting Districts

2021 Voting Districts

Voting Districts

Please note that these are ZIPPED UP becaue of Git's 100MB file limit! If you make changes, zip it up again and add the zip, not the voting district folder.

Source: https://www.elections.org.za/


School data includes all the schools in South Africa according to the Dept of Education (data for 2012 and 2013), plus education districts. Please note that education districts don't seem to be 100% accurate, especially in North West, and there are no school district names provided by the Department of Basic Education for Mpumalanga. Weird.


Source: http://www.education.gov.za/EMIS/EMISDownloads/tabid/466/Default.aspx

Command we used for making CSV smaller (2012 data): cut -d, -f 1,5-6,11,25-26,31,33,35,37,39,48-65,100-101 input.csv > output.csv

Command we used for making CSV smaller (2013 data): cut -d, -f 1,4-5,10,13,15,29-30,40,42,44,45-46,50,58-75,116-118 National_Schools_Q1_2013.original.csv > National_Schools_Q1_2013.csv

Command we used for changing GIS_Lat and GIS_Long to latitude and longitude (2012 data only): sed 's/GIS_Lat/latitude/' input.csv | sed 's/GIS_Long/longitude/' > output.csv


Like, suburbs, dude!

Please note that these are ZIPPED UP becaue of Git's 100MB file limit! If you make changes, zip it up again and add the zip, not the subplace folder.

Source: Statistics SA Census 2011 Spatial Metadata


Main Places

Please note that these are ZIPPED UP becaue of Git's 100MB file limit! If you make changes, zip it up again and add the zip, not the main place folder.

Source: Statistics SA Census 2011 Spatial Metadata

Main places

CSIR Mesozones

CSIR Mesozones

Source: http://www.gap.csir.co.za/download-maps-and-data