
Pair Programming assignment

Primary LanguageRuby

SUTD 60.004: Service Design Studio

Guest Lecture by VMware Tanzu Labs Agile Software Delivery, Applied

Rock, Paper, Scissors Activity


Use pair programming and TDD to develop a solution to determine the outcome of a rock, paper, scissors game

Focus on practising and reflecting on the pairing/TDD process

Reference Story

As a: Team member
I want to: Record a game of rock paper scissors
So that: I can help my team make decisions faster

Feature: Play
		Given Player 1 has played Rock
		And Player 2 has played Scissors
		When the throws are entered into the system
		Then I see the result "Player 1 Wins!"

		Given Player 1 has played Scissors
		And Player 2 has played Rock
		When the throws are entered into the system
		Then I see the result "Player 2 Wins!"

		Given Player 1 has played Scissors
		And Player 2 has played Scissors
		When the throws are entered into the system
		Then I see the result "Tie!"

Test Cases

  • Rock vs. Scissors
  • Scissors vs. Rock
  • Scissors vs. Paper
  • Paper vs. Scissors
  • Paper vs. Rock
  • Rock vs. Paper
  • Rock vs. Rock
  • Scissors vs. Scissors
  • Paper vs. Paper