
Use ansible to install a local hadoop cluster inside vagrants


Deploying Hadoop Clusters using Ansible & Vagrant

This project uses vagrant and ansible to launch hadoop on Ubuntu, either as a single node (with or without HDFS) or as a cluster. Avro is also installed.

To use, install vagrant & ansible, then just run vagrant up.

By default a single node will be built with HDFS. To disable HDFS, set install_hdfs to False in the file group_vars/all.

To build a cluster, set build_cluster to True in group_vars/all, and also change the the variable dfs_replication to '3' in the same file. Then rename Vagrantfile.cluster to Vagrantfile and run vagrant up.

Once built, the web UIs are available at:

Note: Hadoop will use a lot of disk space for the slaves when building a cluster.

For more information, see https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/tree/master/hadoop which contains the original playbook, and this post which contained the Vagrantfile http://leonidmirsky.com/ansible/hadoop/devops/2013/11/19/creating-hadoop-test-environment-with-ansible-and-vagrant.html.

Note: The original examples provided a HA build. Getting that to work on Ubuntu is left as an exercise for the reader ;-)

Both needed modifying to work.

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