
A Novel way of Terminal Discord communication

Primary LanguagePython

CS 128 Final Project: BigStacks

A Novel Approach to Communication.


The purpose of this project is to create "chat-rooms" across various mediums and for our final project implemetation, we are trying to implement communincation between various discord servers + channels and individual access through terminal. We are using Firebase to store what rooms exist as well as the unique ids of every discord channel and terminal user.

Flask is used to implement get and post requests for all methods of communication.


Working Discord account or access to terminal with administrator priviledges.



  1. Using link: Add bot to the server via this link:
  2. List of commands with prefix($):
    • help (Lists all the commands)
    • createroom (Create a room)
    • displayrooms (Display active rooms)
    • joinroom (Join a room)
    • leaveroom (Leave a room)
    • numroom (Number of active rooms)
    • ping (Ping the bot to check if it's active)
    • status (Checks current room)


    1. Clone the GitHub repo.
    2. Run the command `pip install -r requirements.txt`
    3. Run `python3 terminal_client.py` from the file directory.
    4. Follow the directions that appear on-screen.


    If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us on discord:

    • aydan#0236
    • shlokum#5045
    • jeenetheen#4075
    • Zslicer#0848


    Current maintainers:

    • Aydan Pirani
    • Shlok Mehrotra
    • Jonathan Sneh
    • Anay Bhakat