
The goal of this project is to predict overall writing quality. Does typing behavior affect the outcome of an essay? Kaggle competition: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/linking-writing-processes-to-writing-quality/overview

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is the directory for the work for STAT 432 Project

There are some .gitignore so please read below carefully to have the data ready to be played with

Step 1: Make a raw/ folder (or rename your data/ folder to raw/) and this where the Kaggle Datasets will live. This is git ignored due to sheer size of the data so you are responsible to download and store the data appropriately.

Step 2: Make a data/ folder where the "Cleaned" Dataframes will be stored. This will be created (currently) by abhi.ipynb so you just need to make sure Step 1 is done properly and /data folder is created, then just run the abhi.ipynb notebook! :D

Note: I have also froze the requirements/dependencies into requirements.txt. So feel free to run this if any dependency is not there. Also, if you install a new dependency, please make sure to update the requirements by running pip freeze > requirements.txt in the terminal before pushing your code to the repo!

More Details coming soon