
A reimplementation of the MobilePASS client in Python, with Python3.6+ supported. With multidevice synchronisation via S3 bucket.

Primary LanguagePython


Wrapper of MobilePASSER that saves config to AWS S3. MobilePASSER is a reimplementation of the MobilePASS client in Python.

A fork from datr, with added backend mode in S3 bucket. This way you can just specify S3 bucket and have configuration synchronized on all your devices.

Also added support for Python 3 (3.6+).


python setup.py install


usage: mobilepasser [-h] [-k ACTIVATION_KEY] [-x INDEX] [-p POLICY]
                    [-l OTP_LENGTH] [-a]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k ACTIVATION_KEY, --activation-key ACTIVATION_KEY
                        The string the MobilePass client generated.
  -x INDEX, --index INDEX
                        The index of the token to generate.
  -p POLICY, --policy POLICY
                        Policy for the token.
  -l OTP_LENGTH, --otp-length OTP_LENGTH
                        Length of the returned OTP.
  -a, --auto-update-index
                        Automatically bump the index by 1 and save to config


The configuration file is read form ~/.mobilepasser.cfg. An example config file can be found in the examples folder.

activation_key = *key*
policy =
index = 1
otp_length = 6
auto_update_index = True
s3_bucket_name = *bucket name in your AWS account*
load_from_s3 = True
awscli_profile = default

If you use S3 bucket as your backup, you need to have your AWS-cli credentials set up in ~/.aws/. This can be set up by installing awscli:

python3 -m pip install awscli

Then configure the access:

aws configure

A S3 bucket spicified in the config needs to be already created in your AWS account.