
Playground for the Spring Boot training

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Training Playground

Playground for the Spring Boot training.

Super simple 3 tier layer architecture Spring Boot application.


  • Repository layer
    • Spring Data JPA
    • MySQL
    • Flyway (database migration)
  • Service layer
    • Mapstruct to map object from the repository layer into a service layer object to not leak repository concerns into the other parts of the application.
  • Rest API layer
    • Spring Web MVC


  • Java 11
  • Docker (Desktop)

You don't need to have Maven installed. The project contains the Maven wrapper out of the box.

Build and run the project

./mvnw clean package

Start MySQL in a Docker container:

docker-compose up -d

Run the Spring Boot application using the Spring Boot Maven plugin.

./mvnw spring-boot:run


  • Play around with Spring Profiles
    • Introduce a profile like acceptance, production
    • Experience how property inheritance works
    • Configure the application differently for different profiles (like running Tomcat on a different port)
  • Add Spring Boot test slices for every layer
    • Hints:
      • @DataJpaTest
      • @WebMvcTest
    • Make sure to fail the test first before you fix it ;)
  • Testcontainers
    • Introduce more advanced repository layer integration tests
    • Replace H2
    • introduce test containers to run repository integration tests against a real MySQL instance running in Docker
  • Introduce tests for the service layer
    • What to choose? Unit tests (Mockito) or integration tests?
    • If you choose to do integration tests make sure tests are not leaving traces behind in the database!
  • AssertJ
    • Use this great library
    • Rewrite your assertions
    • Experiment with the fluent API try out to do assertions on collections
  • Cloud native buildpacks
    • Build an OCI image for your Spring Boot application
    • Without using a Docker file
    • Add your Spring Boot Application OCI image to the docker-compose.yml
    • Start your Spring Boot application from Docker docker-compose up -d (you need to shut down the application first from your IDEA or Maven plugin)
    • Don't forget to configure the connection to the database because the application will not run inside a container ;)
    • Small hint see datasource configuration in: application.yml
  • Archunit
    • Enforce your architecture rules
    • By creating some Archunit tests
    • Examples:
      • Service layer should be called only by the Rest layer
      • Repository layer should only be called by the service layer
    • Try to use some default archunit rules to enforce things like:
      • We don't use Jodatime in the project
      • We don't use the old Java data classes

Execute http calls to the rest API

IntelliJ http calls (Requires IntelliJ Ultimate)

You can also use curl:

Call the Spring Boot Info actuator

curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/info | jq

Call the Spring Boot Health actuator

curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/health | jq

Create a user

curl -XPOST  -d '{"userName":"Rod"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/api/users

Find a user

curl http://localhost:8080/api/users/1

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections: