
Project of a simple Android App that detects a Sudoku in an image and Solve it.

Primary LanguageJava

SuorcApp - Sudoku OCR Application

This is a simple Android App that detects a Sudoku in an image and Solve it.

Steps processing image

  • Convert the image to gray scale.

  • Apply blur to the image.

  • Apply adaptiveThreshold to find curves.

  • Find all the curves that appear in the image.

  • Find the curves that connect to each other and form the biggest area between all the curves.

  • Crop Sudoku using the outline of your grid.

  • Find the position of the numbers in the Sudoku grids.

  • Use tensorflow to identify the numbers.

  • User can click on the image to zoom it.

Download OpenCv

Download openCv 4.5.1 or later


Import the OpenCv SDK module to the project

1 - Open Android Studio (This steps was used in Android Studio 4.1.3)

2 - File -> New -> Import Module

3 - Go to where you have downloaded the OpenCV and select the directory SDK

4 - Click Finish

Adding the OpenCv Module to your project:

1 - File -> Project Structure

2 - (1) Click on Dependencies -> (2) Select your project(My is app) - > (3) click on the plus button -> (4) click on the Module Dependency

SuorcApp working

3 - Select the SDK of the OpenCv and Click on the Ok button.

SuorcApp detecting grid of the Sudoku

Image of Yaktocat
