
Calculate the area of shapes

Primary LanguagePHP


Complete the run.php script so it outputs the total area and total volume for the array of shapes. The shapes are both 2D and 3D.

To Do

  • Create a cube object and a sphere object.
  • Add the cube and sphere to the run.php script.
  • The total area is the sum for the area of each shape.
  • The total volume is the sum for the volume of each 3D shape. Ignore 2D shapes from the array.
  • Create PHPUnit tests for each class file.


You will require php 5.6 and the latest installation of PHPUnit.


You need to have the latest PHPUnit installation. A phpunit.xml file is already setup. An ExampleTest.php file is provided in the tests directory. After installing PHPUnit, simply run phpunit on the command link to run your tests.