
Primary LanguagePython


  • hg clone https://bitbucket.org/hildilab/job


  • add content from apache.config.sample to /etc/apache/available-sites/000-default.conf
    • adjust user and group attributes
  • mkdir /var/www/job
  • cp job.wsgi.sample /var/www/job/job.wsgi
    • adjust APP_PATH
  • cp app.cfg.sample app.cfg
    • adjust...
  • sudo service apache2 reload
  • watch -n 1 tail -n 25 /var/log/apache2/error.log


  • tools
    • returns JSON object with available tools and their arguments
  • submit/
    • send POST or GET parameters
    • returns the string "ERROR" on failure
    • returns { "jobname": "..." } JSON object on success
  • status/<string:jobname>
    • returns JSON object with job status
  • params/<string:jobname>
    • return JSON object with job parameters
  • download/<string:jobname>
    • returns a ZIP file containing the tool results
  • dir/<string:jobname>/
  • dir/<string:jobname>/<path:subdir>
    • returns JSON object containing the directroy contents
  • file/<string:jobname>/<path:filename>
    • returns the file