The scripts in this project are a front end to JaVaFo (, the official FIDE pairing engine for certifying other implementations of the Dutch algorithm for swiss pairings. This is currently hard coded for running a 5 round tournament. Downloading javafo.jar into this directory is required. All user input is currently done through a CSV file and certain fields have to be filled out in compliance with the JaVaFo documentation. I've been editing these CSV files with a spreadsheet. The Makefile illustrates the pipeline from pre-round files to results to subsequent pre-round file. The plan is to develop a front-end GUI as an alternative to the current CSV based inputs. Subsequently, an attempt will be made to replace the JaVaFo with a clean-room implementation based on the published algorithm ( ), and downloading JaVaFo will only be required for validating the test suite inputs. So, not yet a user-friendly option. Express your interest in this being fully developed.